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  • Scorched-nation policy or making the "bas***d" fight for his nation policy. It is what brought it to chaos. We don't teach this, others do.
    -DET: Is that not aristocracy? -Boy: What aristocracy? A random guy, I hardly know anyone except my relatives. I haven't been living there.
    -DET: Is it true? That you are a chaos bringer? -Boy: No. Some people were just worried that their kids will misbehave while not in a cage.
    -Boy: Unless, you are one of those blessed, war-waging nations. You wouldn't need to stress about anything except for few problems you make.
    -DET: It's easy to rule people, very hard to work for others. -Boy: Sometimes, what they call "ruling" is in fact "working for". Priorities.
    -DET: What was the easiest way to become a superpower? -Boy: Having your people killed, your nation destroyed for nothing. Superpower!.
    -DET: What nationality does your behaviour identify with? Are you Iranian? -Boy: As American, everything I did, I did it as an American.
    -Boy: Those people give that drink but don't know whether they're drunk or awake in the first place. It's not a surprise if I was followed.
    -Boy: Seen enough, heard enough. It's materialism that decides how most people treat you. I hoped things improve after giving all that up...
    -DET: You're susiptable to capitalism. -Boy: We don't revolve around money. Also, you can't hear a Lamb, kill him then ask why he bleeds.
    -Boy: She said I don't expect anything from Iraqis. Honestly, they were more interested in giving head publicly than knowing why we do so.
    -Boy: We can't live in a world of constant undeserved killing. Hence a mirror, mourning all the time. Then we called the supposed queen...
    -DET: How true is the saying Rent a Ma'tam? -Boy: Sane people would rather ask why. We didn't choose to be a mirror of the world's attitude.
    -DET: Is it true you were new to programming? Hello world? -Boy: In the Matrix movie, "Neo-" is actually a programmer until 007 comes in.
    -Boy: Although, I was saying from the start. My people, blood-drunk, you are killing my people for no reason. I didn't care about any table.
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