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  • Perhaps our children's children would rise above the curse of ethnicity and language based nationalism that has crippled us Muslims into nothing and embrace unity in a common belief system. Iqbal once wrote :

    Ghuftaar-e-siyasat mein watan aur hee kuch hai

    Irshad-e-nabowaat mein watan aur hee kuch hai.

    (the concept of nationhood in Islam is very different from the one in political parlance)
    Well I'm certainly glad to hear that because the few Bangladeshis I met demanded, quite aggressively, an apology from me for all that happened in '71 and the funny thing is my history books didn't even mentioned half of what they were saying so I really had no idea where all the anger was coming from.
    But I suppose that we did do a lot of wrong to you guys in '71 and of course I apologize how badly the whole situation was handled along with the human right's abuses that occurred because of the State but our West Pakistanis got killed too. I remember how a family friend of ours - a Doctor in the army in Chittagong came home to find his wife and kids dead with slit throats. So lets bury the hatchet...shall we but I'm glad, I really am, that you'd think of me as a brother because the only other Bengali that I've met who was nice to me was someone I met in Karachi whose family choose to stay behind in Pakistan in '71.
    Zakir sahib I was viewing the Saudi Academic thread and I came across your post where you quoted Iqbal. Impressive, the few Bangladeshis that I've met didn't know Urdu or were pretty angry at everything Pakistan..even Jinnah and Iqbal.
    hello, in present times of despair, we need to project every little positive about our armed forces. this will surely help improving he image of military in eyes of national and international community.

    these day, the military is busy in helping the flood effected people in Sindh. i have started a thread to cover the event. it will be really nice if you can take out some time and visit:


    a bit of your appreciation and contribution regarding this event is required.

    thanks in advance!
    Brother today i came through your signature ........
    please write it complete.

    I personally do not support hartal, it is bad for business and economy.

    Wish there was a way in which more...diplomacy was involved.

    But then again, the "hartal" culture is deeply ingrained and an often inevitable one considering the nature of things in Bangladesh :(

    Another problem is that the two women keep pointing fingers at each other. There is no such thing as a civilized debate in Bangladeshi politics. It just creates more potential for turmoil and unrest this way.

    I really want that vermin out of office though XD

    This country really needs "real" leaders.
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