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Recent content by zoochee

  1. zoochee

    Chinese professor calls Hong Kong people 'dogs'

    I don't understand why people are so worked up with this. First of all it was a quote out of context. On top of that isn't this what freedom of speech is all about, he is entitled with his opinion, you might not agree with it but we should all defend his right regardless. You can't be pro...
  2. zoochee

    India will push China out

    ^^^ good one :D
  3. zoochee

    Happy Year of the Dragon, a year of courage, prosperity

    Happy New Year! Hopefully it will be another breathtaking year for Chinese military fans.
  4. zoochee

    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    People's Daily has hinted the 3rd sea trial might include flight test, maybe a touch-and-go? China's carrier on 3rd sea trials - People's Daily Online
  5. zoochee

    The Case for India: Free to Succeed

    Thats good to hear, since personally I believe the most powerful driver of a nation's economic success is an inspiration of individual success - the belief that through hard work and individual talent anyone can succeed. So called American Dream believing that everyone will always be better than...
  6. zoochee

    The Case for India: Free to Succeed

    Here is the documentary I was talking about: BBC News - Cases of lower caste student suicide in India Also now caste is officially part of Indian national census, is this a good thing or bad? BBC News - Indian cabinet approves caste-based census for 2011
  7. zoochee

    The Case for India: Free to Succeed

    I recently have watched a BBC documentary showing discrimination based on caste system is still prevalent in university campus which even led to some students committing suicide. Is it complete over exaggeration by BBC then? How can you tell what people's caste is? Is it by last name? skin...
  8. zoochee

    The Case for India: Free to Succeed

    First of all I pretty much agree with what beijingwalker wrote on the first page of this thread, if you haven't read it please spend some time on it and really think without any bias for a moment. Before I decided to write another post to question the wisdom of this article, I actually found the...
  9. zoochee

    China's political system is more flexible than US democracy

    Of course you get what you deserve whether its free or not, I put that sentence there just to remind readers that don't simply assume the free press in US is automatically better than press in China. That was actually talking about CNN, and don't even get me started with Foxnews (as bad if not...
  10. zoochee

    China's political system is more flexible than US democracy

    Personally I agree with what Tom Friedman's view in his book "That Used To Be US". China is getting 90% out of its political system and US is currently only getting 30-40% out of its own. If implemented properly a free and open democracy should be a better system for the country as well as for...
  11. zoochee

    Democracy is a failed experiment

    Efficiency is probably the last thing you can associate with Democracy, you can spin it for fairness or even just although I haven't yet to see that in the Indian version but I will give it the benefit of doubt. But efficiency? come on!
  12. zoochee

    US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier

    If I were the spokes person for Chinese government, I would have just told them cause US paid for the AC. The interest payment of US debt in Chinese holding is more than Chinese national defense budget, so basically US is paying for all the AC, destroyer, J20 and whatever we are building. So...
  13. zoochee

    Chinese TV programs about pakistan

    Just saw something I did not know before, at around 34:00 they showed the gun on top of Ahalid tank is actually remote controlled.
  14. zoochee

    Chinese TV programs about pakistan

    Ok, this part is kind of funny. Now the crew started to interview regular Pakistanis and ask them how to differentiate Pakistani from Indian. I guess you can understand what he said, I am not gonna repeat here but quite funny. In gist he believe Pakistanis are bigger (fatter), lighter complexion...
  15. zoochee

    Chinese TV programs about pakistan

    Video showed Chinese spokes women stating China will continue her support of Pakistan in its struggle with anti-terrorism and urged the international community to step up of their support as well. She also mentioned that US's doubt on Pakistan is unfair. Around 10:04 they interviewed former...
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