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  • ya actually i found dat page but jst coz u r frm dat part so thot d song cud b available wid u... newaz thanks a lot fr ur reply.
    Hello ..... Wud like to thank 1st of all posting this Vedio "Indian Gurkhas" ..... For me None is above dan our soldiers n esp. GURKHAS....... Requesting u to plz Provide somhow the link or source for to Download this SONG of Video......I cudnt wait fr having dis song nemore....... I shall be thankful ifplz u cud.

    Tshering yar he posted it last year..look at the date he posted it..try to hold your horses yaar..dont get yourself banned..
    Hi tshering..
    I just love the place you come from..its absolutely beautiful!!
    Visited sikkim last year in december!!
    great to know about your job...now I get what you do..but mahn..I must say thats something really fun..keep enjoying yourself man. Now I can say i know a man who works for these expedition that we see on nat geo.
    wow..so you organise and manage these expeditions..where.in the mountains ? that must be thrilling man.yes I did play with him, and he was always like a hero for me..but I used to play rugby for ma club not soccer, played with him because we shared the same club for practice many a times,and being in kolkata you cant avoid playing soccer.... I was a kid in front of him and his mates :p BTW you people play good football, I have noticed that..and also like the game that you guys play for fun , I dont know the name but you make a small ball out of rubber bands and keep juggling it with your feet ..thats fun..I am not sure if you get what am talking about.
    hey Tshering, you have Baichung's pic..do you know I have played several times with him and we often used to meet in our club.
    Can you tell me bro what is the condition of the borders with china in sikkim?As we are unaware of it living in West Bengal.
    aaah it sucks :|, I thought things might have improved now that the govt actually has a lot of money, I recently met a doctor from arunachal here in singapore and he was lamenting how they don't have an engineering or a medical college even after 60 years :( ..you know sometimes I think that it is a good thing that we have china in the north....I hope the china scares the **** out of our govt so that our govt does something for the NE. It should not have come to this....no wonder there are so many separatist movements.....NE has so much potential which is unused......if something tragic happends...it would be entirely our fault...so lets hope...our govt learns from the 1971 pakistan debacle..... toast for a better future...

    hai dude,

    what is your opinion regarding the development works in sikkim and in general north east? Is it the same as rest of india( has it picked up steam?)....i must admit i am a bit sad...that our notheast has not got the same level of attention as compared to the rest of india.....

    i am from the south between....and sikkim is VERY beautiful hope to visit it sometime....


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