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Recent content by Swahc

  1. S

    Guangzhou Asian Games 2010 flame lit at Great Wall

    How do you know China is not doing anything for poverty and education.
  2. S

    Chinese 052D Destroyer ?

    Gee, the is a lot of jeolous people in this forum:no:
  3. S

    Sending a Message Straight to the People of China

    so many jealous indian because chinese won a noble price.
  4. S

    India is using the CWG to insult itself: 8% of the English team have fallen ill

    Good one india. If you can't beat them (the best two swimming teams in the world) poison them.:yahoo:
  5. S

    China's Car Economy Revs Up

    China's Car Economy Revs Up BEIJING—Shiny new cars line up outside a McDonald's drive-through on the suburban outskirts of Beijing. As Big Macs are passed through the windows of BMW sedans and Chery compacts, one thing is apparent: The country's recently developed passion for cars is paving...
  6. S

    USA angry about Turkey's military exercise with China

    Labor's staffers leaving in droves Simon Benson From: The Daily Telegraph October 07, 2010 12:00AM 43 commentsIncrease Text SizeDecrease Text SizePrintEmail Share Add to DiggAdd to del.icio.usAdd to FacebookAdd to KwoffAdd to MyspaceAdd to NewsvineWhat are these?BLOG WITH SIMON BENSON A WAVE...
  7. S

    All of a sudden O'Donnell claims China wants to take over USA

    Can anyone tell me why so many white female politican are so smart? is amercia education gone down the drain? eg palin
  8. S

    Games stadium badly off track with just hours to go

    Alex Brown in Delhi October 6, 2010 - 5:19PM .EXCLUSIVE Repairs under way at the track hours before competition scheduled to start. Photo: Quentin Jones Just hours remain before the start of the Commonwealth Games track competition, and the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium is a mess. At...
  9. S

    Couldn't match high bar set by China

    same number as hong kong. we should have hong kong vs india :no:
  10. S

    Austalian athletes 'treated like cattle' CWG

    Isn't australia is a cattle country follow where ever yanks go?:yahoo:
  11. S

    Girls lured to Delhi Games for work being sold to brothels

    Under-age girls promised Games work Traffickers sell them into prostitution Police raid red light district, free girls Gallery: ***-trafficking uncovered Security alert over mosque ruling UNDER-aged girls are being lured to Delhi for work at the Commonwealth Games, only to be sold into...
  12. S

    India Trails China in Firepower

    Indians and Chinese are even when it comes to armour on display. The Arjun main battle tank is better than the Chinese third-generation ZTZ-99G MBT, a modification of the Russian T-72 battle tank. The Indian T-90 is superior to the Chinese ZTZ-96 A MBT in terms of firepower and accuracy. Even an...
  13. S

    China Imposes a Steep Tariff on U.S. Poultry

    Then, why you dunb yanks still buy from china? Buy from africa or vietnam! No one is pointing a gun at you head or forcing you to buy from china. Free world.
  14. S

    In Pictures: The Top Universities In Asia:Forbes

    HK make it to number 1 What is the top rank for india uni?
  15. S

    India's $35 Tablet is No Vaporware

    Goto Hivision Co.,Ltd------Professional manufacturer of E-BOOK Reader, Netbook, digital photo frame This product is already on sales in China, but the indian version is not. So who is more creditable?
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