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Recent content by Sunnny

  1. S

    Are you married to your first cousin?

    this is wat am saying,plz dont paint whole nation with one video or due to one person. so every yank is involved in this ;) btw,i dont watch those videos ;) and ur approval tell me different thing ;) use internet carefully :P
  2. S

    Are you married to your first cousin?

    sorry..i cant coz i dont see and no indian see it in local society. u dint get me even :(
  3. S

    Are you married to your first cousin?

    i was talking about common indian.There are lot of traditions which i dont know even. aryan b said about indians,it means majority of population. i can bet that 98% indians dont know about these baba's
  4. S

    PCB reportedly in talks with Nimbus

    oh really :P
  5. S

    It's Just Not Cricket

    look at the title of the hyper link and u will find more articles with same thread title ;)
  6. S

    It's Just Not Cricket

    that deserved a thread :rolleyes:
  7. S

    India is no longer seen as enemy: Ayaz Amir

    Pakistani army is trapped in front of their own public.why?? People are proud of army and patriotic towards it ;).They cant hear a single word against their army ;) Their generals have feeded them with fake stories of victories :rofl:.I have self observed in various channels on tv. Now the same...
  8. S

    India is no longer seen as enemy: Ayaz Amir

    you are wrong.Majority of the pakistanis dont have time for kashmir like issues due to mess in their country. Even on kashmir day,they rarely discuss about it in their channels.This forum is of ultra nationalist paksitanis who are ready to nuke each and every country. Dont get lessons from this...
  9. S

    India is no longer seen as enemy: Ayaz Amir

    pakistan will go bankrupt if they focus more on india.Shift your focus on a-stan now ;) you will win there ;)
  10. S

    For Non-Pakistanis: Why did you join this forum?

    i came here to see pakistanis :lol:
  11. S

    India is no longer seen as enemy: Ayaz Amir

    keep crying ;) your govt dont agree with you :whistle: they are even ready to open trade route to a-stan ;) from karachi and its already opened .. :rofl:
  12. S

    India is no longer seen as enemy: Ayaz Amir

    yeah,i see a lot og bloodshed in karachi and other parts of pakistan :P it was done to throw muslims from india :lol: see who is now in which position ;)
  13. S

    ISRO all set for Mars mission next year

    i still cant believe that isro is preparing for mars.Atleast go for gslv launch first
  14. S

    India is no longer seen as enemy: Ayaz Amir

    Ask general kayani,if his brain is india centric or not ;) We will ask indians to decide the future not any other. 1.2 billions are ready to swarm inside paksitan if anything wrong happens ;) although you dont have diplomatic capacity nor military capacity :lol:
  15. S

    India is no longer seen as enemy: Ayaz Amir

    why status quo??we have seats left in parliament for pakistani occupied kashmir,This is our territory.
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