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  • ya she is very cute indeed, people are beautiful everywhere Jana, its just the perception that’s different :)
    I know Jana that you dint thank it for beauty reasons but the way the whole post was worded was quite wrong. Again I do not claim to be a genetics expert or an anthropologist but again the definition of what is an "India “is very vague and can encompass a huge amount of different people. Again this is an endless debate, you have your view and i have mine. My main aim was to not allow that thread to indulge in comparisons of looks.

    P.s. the baby in your pic is very cute, i always wanted to ask who that is ?
    Jana sister do you have any information about Zaid Sb's visit to IIUI and the problem ... if you have som info ... i would be greatfull to you.. cause we love Zaid sb. Regards
    Jana, I deleted your thread since the Indian media will always have inflammatory headlines. The original story is in the NYT, you can post that since it is more comprehensive than what the Indian media posts.
    i think its not available.And sorry i have to go my 12th board exams are just a week away..so i need to study now.sorry.
    I think u would be very older when compared to myself...so can i call you didi...i hope u'll not mind..but if you are not comfortable then i will not...
    Hello Maam, I could not read your reply to my post as Webbie deleted it before I could see it.
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