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  • heheheheeh, mara ma kho way chi kum as kum kho day blue ta warai,kho za khair pa da hum shukar day.

    Da paraty ghum makawa ma kho darsara asay gup lagao.Lol.

    Ombarak sha jeenay, ombarak. Mara, you desereved it from a loong loong time. za dabanday resha daer khoshala yama. again, ombarak sha o good gooing, oresha day zal kho ba party warkay, khamakha, dasi kho day na pregado, akher malk da pukhto day, sa kyo zan ogarawa kana maray,

    Oh yaar ye kya ho gaya.....maine toh socha that I would get some favours now....

    Tum bhi ruling benches par chali gai

    mujahe haq ke jung akali hi larni pary gi lolzzzz
    I dont remember the name of the leader within India who said that the most powerful weapon of today is media. Being true i wanted to ask someone sane about 1 thought i had in my mind. since you are into media may be you are more aware of events. but it is bit anti pakistani sort of stuff and so you may get offended so if you allow me then can i?
    Recently i saw few couple of shows which were actually demoralizing for a nation and at the same time there were shows which portrayed Pakistan in a sense of fake nationalism.

    Dont you think media anti government stand will make the situation more worse. Ok Zardari has taken some really bad decisons but at such a time how much would be justified by the media to create a strife between the public and the govenment

    Indian media is half lunatics if you ask me personally more of a time pass comedy show with added mirch masala. i watch it for fun.
    jana i liked your comment about the local fodder comment but dont you think that people should realize that there is more of a local angle than being Indian one. Ok i dont want to debate on the indian hand as it would not end anywhere but what do you think role media should play in this.
    I hope u have read Khushwant Singh's "In company of a woman". Its about a pakistani journo type woman of more or less your views.
    "Your fellow Indian had given a silly justification for such ban saying it was a cruel to slaughter a cow. "

    The plain logic is that ever since you are born you depend upon your mother for survival. You need mother to feed you milk. And since it is the cow which feeds you with milk and gives you the share that its own baby deserves, makes it a highly respectable and motherly creatures and that is the reason why Hindus do not want it slaughtered. The one who feeds you with her milk is your mother be it 2 legged or 4 legged.
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