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  • Hint: There is not such thing in Quran

    ^ Well that is your presumption by which you are not accepting that Koran is "fully detailed". I will let you know when I get the time to. Hint: Prayer method is fully detailed in the Koran, and is very different from the conventional method: Only 3 positions are identified: Standing, prostrating and bowing with glorification of God only. Ablution method is also detailed with only Four steps, as opposed to the 10 or so conventional steps people normally follow. :)
    For us Shia there is no Shaheeh book other than QURAN. Nothing else!

    I see. How about the Koran which says being divided and creating sects is forbidden?

    "And they did not become divided until after knowledge had come to them - out of jealous animosity between themselves."

    "Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, , are not with them in anything. Their affair is only to Allah ; then He will inform them about what they used to do."

    Why are Shias, sunnis etc denying the Quran which forbids sectarianism completly? Please answer? And most of all, how do we claim to follow the Koran if we divide ourselves?
    I will take your leave now. I have some work to do. Cheers and to each his own way. You don't have to agree with me either but we can all agree that Koran is the source of law.
    And I also bought some "hadiths" in which Mohammed forbids us writing hadiths himself. But you said it is very difficult to judge which hadiths are correct. Well, why not follow what God said in the Koran? Would there be so many division and fighting if there were no Hadith? Remember, Shia follow one set of hadith sunni follows other, etc. ALL of them hold Koran as truth but does not follow Koran which commands to "not create any sect in religion".

    I will take your leave now. I have some work to do. Cheers and to each his own way. You don't have to agree with me either but we can all agree that Koran is the source of law.
    I can bring more but these should be enough.

    The thing is, this is why I do not like religious debates. The debates always become circular. At first the argument was about whether Mohammed knows the future or not. Then when I showed the verses which says he does not, it diverted to whether we should follow hadiths or not. Now I showed you just one verse which forbids us from doing so. I can also bring tens of other verses in which God only says us to follow Koran as a source of law and nothing else. In one verse, the Arabic word "hadith" is specifically written and forbidden from following it.
    Ibn Hanbal;

    Zayd Ibn Thabit (The Prophet's closest revelation writer) visited the Khalifa Mu'aawiyah (more than 30 years after the Prophet's death), and told him a story about the Prophet. Mu'aawiyah liked the story and ordered someone to write it down. But Zayd said. " the messenger of God ordered us never to write anything of his hadith".

    Ibn Hanbal in his Musnad book, narrates a hadith in which Abdullah Ibn Omar said, "the Messenger of God one day came out to us as if he was going to depart us soon and said, "When I depart you (die), hold to the book of God, prohibit what it prohibits and accept as halal what it makes halal."
    Ibn Saeed Al-Khudry reported that the messenger of God had said,

    "Do not write anything from me except Quran. Anyone who wrote anything other than the Quran shall erase it."

    Zayd Ibn Thabit (The Prophet's closest revelation writer) visited the Khalifa Mu'aawiyah (more than 30 years after the Prophet's death), and told him a story about the Prophet. Mu'aawiyah liked the story and ordered someone to write it down. But Zayd said. " the messenger of God ordered us never to write anything of his deeds (hadiths)".

    in the book "Taq-yeed Al-Ilm", Abu Saeed Al-Khudry said, " I asked the Messenger of God a permission to write his hadiths, but he refused to give me a permission."

    I have more but these should be enough.
    Judging which hadeeth are correct, and which are not isn't easy.


    Aha, so just because these hadiths say you shall NOT record Hadiths, these hadiths are "incorrect"? You are being very biased.

    Wait let me bring the hadeeths you can check yourself.
    "Made easy for YOU to understand". YOU here is a reference to the humanity, Not to every single person. Allah is saying that Quran is made simple so that humanity CAN POTENTIALY understand it. It takes the help of the prophet, but it doesn't mean that everyone will immediately understand it. It rather requires the help of thd prophet himself, plus studying and pondering and research.

    Now where did you bring "help of the prophet"? Show me Koranic references please where do you need "help of the prophet" to understand Koran. Otherwise God himself says 'Quran is easy to understand and remember. In many other verses he says that there is no ambiguity in Koran and it is "fully explained". So i see no reason to take "help of the prophet" to understand Koran.
    Now My question is: Would a 10-year old understand the article?? certainly not. So what does easy mean in such a context?

    This verse:
    And they will say, "If only we had been listening or reasoning, we would not be among the companions of the Blaze."

    By "reasoning", we know that 10 year old is not educated and thus does not have capacity to understand Arabic or any language eloquently. Thus, understand Koran in any language is out of question.
    Well, our argument is getting circular. Should I now bring tens of other verses where it is said that Mohammed does NOT have the authority to command anything other than the Koran?
    Certainly, We have made this (Quran) easy in your tongue, in order that they may remember.

    And We have made (this Scripture) easy in thy language only that they may heed.

    Verily, We have made this (Qur'an) easy, in thy tongue, in order that they may give heed.

    So have We made it easy in your tongue that they may be mindful.

    ^^^ Other translations from different authors of the verse 44:58
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