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  • 点解,没看明白 ,没看到猴子假冒的倭人

    Swamp dear, hardly dangerous. My sister got a bear last year, not sure if she used a gun or a bow tho. Boar can be dangerous, but i hear they are fun. Try deer first, tho.
    (my sis was raised in SoCal, and was a gangster. Moved to Idaho with her now ex-hubby, became the biggest red-neck you ever saw!)
    <All I said was that you piled up infractions while sensible guys like Chinese-dragon and Cardsharp got banned for I don't know what.>
    Pile up? My understanding is that if a person receive an infraction, he gets a notice. To date, I have one notice.

    <I am not proud of their racist behaviours.>
    Then you should have no problems understanding why I have such a jaundiced eye towards the Chinese members here. I will repeat myself: Initially, I challenged the Chinese claims by staying on subject and support my arguments with credible third party sources. You cannot get any more respectful than that if you have a disagreement. Their cheap racists insults are 'Thanked' for being soooooooo 'useful'. Everything was used, from dubious IQ to penis lengths statistics, in trying to put other ethnic groups in their rightful place. As a member of an 'inferior' Asian ethnic group, I am glad the reading public has a chance to see the real face of China.
    <The fact that you consistently bashed Chinese...>
    Really? Initially, I challenged the Chinese members' claims by staying on subject and supported my arguments with credible third party sources. Cannot get any more respectful than that if there is a disagreement. It is your pals who cannot stand the idea that their claims are challenged by someone who knows what he is talking about.

    <Then you abused admin power on this forum...>
    Sorry...I have no such influence. I made no reports. I called to no one for help. I fight my own battles. You, a member of an admin staff, abused this forum by posting information from your playground in order to cover up the gross error your man made.

    Yes indeed the truth is all for everyone to see. The fact that several of your Chinese friends are banned several times is proof of the Chinese members' atrocious racist behaviors. Their suspensions and perhaps permanent expulsions have nothing to do with me.
    I do not care if my posts are still available or not. Here or over at your playground. The fact is that you consistently lied over here that I 'mistreated everyone' over at your playground when the evidences just does not match up. You exaggerated in order to justify my ban. Now you finally had to 'fess up the truth: That I did not 'mistreated everyone' but was forceful to only one person. Then you came here and abused this forum to continue to cover up for your man's gross error. Your behavior is shameful for a member of an admin staff.

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