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  1. President

    Pictures of Inside INS Vikramaditya

    even if they are posted online, you validate all the postingsby reposting them..it is like someone is connecting the dots and you help them do it ..kid!
  2. President

    Pictures of Inside INS Vikramaditya

    i would suggest please delete all the pics..thank you
  3. President

    India to strengthen Andaman and Nicobar Command

    bangladesh and pakistan should be part of india ...period!
  4. President

    India Getting Real With Vietnam – Analysis

    vietnam has good terms with china as well...it is playing the carrot game with both the parties
  5. President

    Thousands of strong force to take on China

    your insect eating snake eating STFU..like you food you are also very weird
  6. President

    Thousands of strong force to take on China

    you STFU..war mongerer ..inept in human
  7. President

    Thousands of strong force to take on China

    first go and learn some english..shitty crap..what an ar$$ hole!
  8. President

    Thousands of strong force to take on China

    first decide which side you are china, tainwan or US?? hypocrite..!! go play with your 8 year old that is bs..blame everything on west..clean your house and dont throw it inside and blame your neighbour for it
  9. President

    Thousands of strong force to take on China

    first decide which side you are china, tainwan or US?? hypocrite..!! go play with your 8 year old
  10. President

    Thousands of strong force to take on China

    these are not beggar gangs dude.. when a human being takes his clothese off for enlisting in the army..this is how he looks.. they look so proud to enlist themselves..:bounce:
  11. President

    DMRC to help build Dhaka Metro

    where are all the bangladesh people who hate india..now need their comments..
  12. President

    Thousands of strong force to take on China

    tunda is caught ...now hafizz is left
  13. President

    Vietnam offers India seven oil blocks for offshore exploration

    Vietnam offers India seven oil blocks for offshore exploration Indrani Bagchi, TNN | Nov 20, 2013, 09.50PM IST NEW DELHI: India has been offered seven oil blocks for offshore exploration on the South China Sea by Vietnam, a move that could pit New Delhi's commercial interests against China's...
  14. President

    First ever image of Earth taken by India's Mars orbiter Spacecraft!!

    since it is still on earth :bounce:
  15. President

    India’s Emerging Blue-Water Navy

    troller telling people you are trolls wtf..go play with your 8 year old..
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