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  • Yeah my experience with Iranians hasn't been the best to be honest. See you seem like a friendly person a good guy. You made it extremely hard for me to see this side about you to be honest. Also being called Lizard, Zionist, Stupid Racist Arabs, and much much more did NOT help.
    Did you see that American Dad episode "Stan of Arabia"?? How more disgusting can they get?? seriously if that is not attacking and demonizing I don't know what is.
    Seeing the comments and reports on PressTV quite honestly I am not going to risk going to Iran. It is totally not worth it if you ask me.

    And yes actually Khoumeni supported a Shia uprising and remember at that time KSA was super Anti-West even because of the whole Israeli-Arab wars and the Oil embargo and everything so Khoumeni can not claim KSA to be a "Zionist slave" at that time. At least not that time of all times with Saudi soldiers on alert in the north and Israel threatening to bomb KSA at the time even.
    Truth is 99% of people here know nothing of KSA or Saudi society. We are shown everywhere be it west or east as nothing more than Animals. At least when it comes to Iran it is only political but here the entire world is giving a misconception on us both on racial and religious grounds. Women no longer wear a full Abaya even but you never see them admitting that not anywhere.

    My brother was in Europe recently he bought a T-Shirt that has pictures of girls in it and the guy who sells here told him "If you wear than in Saudi they will kill you right??" Tell me if you really think it is bad for Iran then you have no idea how bad it is for us here regarding world lying media.
    I would like to go to Iran but I am afraid for my life maybe they have found a Saudi CIA agent and hang me for public consumption and you know they would do something like that. Actually the first one to extend his hand to Iran was King Fahad (Someone who I personally hate with a passion and a true puppet) And said that Iran has been here for 1000s of years and we have been here for 1000s of years and we simply can not make each other disappear. So we must work together. You know what did Khoumeni do?? He sent a message to all the Shais of Arabia to rise against those Kingdoms and join Iran in its holy revolution. And so they did and they started an insurgency and a separatist movement in 1979 which created a lot of Sunni/Shia friction that we here in Arabia never even knew existed.
    Here is another problem you believe that the "Regime" is the one responsible for the condition of Women's rights in KSA. It is not the regime. It is the religious clergy which controls the Internal politics of KSA which the regime opposes here take a look at this:
    There is an internal civil war going on. And the "Regime" is on our side fighting the religious extremists and maniacs.
    My "Regime" hates those religious clerics more than anything in this world. This "Regime" is us Liberals only savior from an Iranian like Mullah regime which I know you hate as well. This "Regime" is educating the people to rise above mere separation on religious grounds and it is by far no easy task but it is working.

    Look at Iran now. I do not want my country to end up like that ruled with a supreme leader with an Iron fist who at the same time is a religious cleric someone I hate the most (I mean all religious clerics/Politicians). So yes I will stand by my "regime" in its efforts to take my country's society out of the grip of control of those things and then when they are done educating the people in science instead of religion they will turn into a Constitutional Monarchy.
    Iran is doing the same thing KSA is doing. Iran is the reason behind all this sectarian violence and both of us know it. Prior to the 1979 revolutions Shias being the more educated at the time held almost all key positions in KSA government you know.

    KSA has every right to try to curb Iranian influence because Iran is a hostile nation to us. It supports ALL Anti-Saudi organizations in the world and spread lies and propaganda about us. Tell me when Iran is spreading :Saudis are the worst people alive" What am i suppose to feel??

    About PressTV both of us know how full of $hit it is. I mean for God's sakes look at the comments that they allow to be published in there. No matter what I write it doesn't get published but when someone say "Yes kill all those Saudi Wahhabi bastards" it gets tens of thumbs ups. Tell me what am I to make of that??
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