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  • I have not seen him criticizing that much but if he was doing anything wrong you should have reported his posts and not directly involve yourself in loose debate

    Whenever you start insulting others in the name of religion, you lose your mind and crosses your boundary very often. For me both of you are equally good and i can only decide about you based upon the posts I read.
    It always wonders me when you created that "peace thread" you were different but when you start abusing Muslims of Wahhabi faith... it puzzles me of your real character. Last warning to you before I send you on break for longer time

    Refrain attacking other members and refrain inventing new ways of abusing Wahhabi's in every second post of yours This is a secular forum and does not promote any specific religious ideology but at the same time very strict for members who attack each other on sectarian bases.

    Hope you understand
    Thank you bro(I am sending this message instead of Zionist killer,since he is not allowed to send visitor's message yet.)
    I've told them where I stand a thousand times before yet they insult me and kill me a liar and Zionist so they can go to hell.
    You thought a lot of things. You and a lot of people here who know nothing on the reality on the ground. A lot of people here all they do is quote BS articles talking about BS things. Which is why I don't take it seriously for how stupid it is.

    now that you know from where I am standing what do you think of the whole crowd here and the BS they keep on singing??
    Pretty much. King Abdullah is seeking to reverse all the policies of the Sudairis in the Royal Family.
    Here this is as recent as a week ago KSA in a meeting with the rest of GCC countries calling other GCC countries to abandon "Foreign presence" in their territory.

    I did not want to put this news in this forum because they don't deserve to know the truth and reality because they will simply ignore it like they usually do.
    The problem is trust. Lack of trust is very high here. You have expansionist Iran trying to spread its influence everywhere which in turn caused us to become expansionist and Influence seeking as well.

    USA is trying to keep the prices of Oil low and that is the reason behind their 5th fleet. Qatar hosted the US bases after KSA kicked them out because the current ruler of Qatar did a coup against his father and we supported his father and warned of military action against Qatar so Qatar was quick to make a deal with the US to protect it from KSA not Iran.
    Bahrain was in a MASSIVE debt because they are not really an Oil producing country so the USA offered to write off all of bahrain's debts in exchange for the 5th fleet base. KSA is urging Bahrain not to renew the contract which ends in 2014 by giving Bahrain a lot of money in foreign Aid.
    You almost forget which part of the world we live in. Our area never enjoyed peace fir centuries and probably never will. All Arms in the middle east WILL be used one way or another.
    Actually we HAVE been trying to negate the Israeli nuke by getting the Pakistani Nuclear umbrella but at the same time calling for a nuclear free Middle East which will deprive Israel from its nukes. In all our statements we say "We refuse to be sandwiched between two nuclear hostile states" So we always say both:
    This whole "It never said anything against Israel but only Iran" is also a lie by the way.
    I am not denying that yes we are also in this tussle and are a big part of it. But to give the complete blame on KSA and they are "Zionists lapdogs and puppets and that is the reason for the fight" is very stupid dont you think?
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