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Recent content by Nadezhda

  1. N

    Turkish Ground Forces enter Syria !

    Future of Syria should be decided by Syrians, not the Terrorist Backed by US (NATO - Turkey) and the Saudi Arabia (the exporter of Terrorism to world) and GCC countries.
  2. N

    Russia Rearms for a New Era

    This mess in Syria was created by US, West and GCC countries. The ISIS & other Terrorist are supported by them. Thier common enemy is Assad Regime. On other hand we are against ISIS & Moderate Terrorist and Support Assad, our Ally. The parties involved in this shit has conflict of interest...
  3. N

    In Russian protocol gaffe, PM Narendra Modi walks during national anthem

    We'll milk Modi (India) and then Nuke him. :rofl:
  4. N


    Pazhalooysta, Mr. Modi! :cheers:
  5. N

    Modi disrespects Russian national anthem

    It's a Minor/No issue and can be because of Language barrier. Why so much fuzz.. :sick:
  6. N

    In Russian protocol gaffe, PM Narendra Modi walks during national anthem

    @mike2000 is back We are going to Nuke Modi for this after nuking UK. (Continuing joke from other thread):p:
  7. N

    POLL: should Russia use tactical nuclear weapons on Idlib?

    The first country should be UK.:omghaha:Joking.:wave:
  8. N

    POLL: should Russia use tactical nuclear weapons on Idlib?

    Nukes should Never be used. Someone has gone Bonkers and is making such a stupid suggestion. It would be suicidal. Hence, Never. :D
  9. N

    43 people killed in Russian Aristrike in Idlib.

    RIP.:( Al-Jazeera's propaganda against Russia.:p:
  10. N

    US Displeased With Russian S-400 Air Defense Systems Going Global

    The American nukes in Europe can reach ours, which makes them strategic and poses a greater risk to us than our strategic missiles pose to America."#Putin:-)
  11. N

    My father passed away

    May you get the strength to handle the situation in the best way possible. Rest in peace to your Dad. :(
  12. N

    Iran: UN Resolution to Reinforce Fight against Terrorism in Syria

    UN SECURITY COUNCIL UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTS A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR CEASEFIRE AND PEACE TALKS UN Security Council Resolution on Syria (No. 2254) - Calls for ceasefire and formal talks on a political transition to start in early January - Groups seen as "terrorist", including Islamic State and...
  13. N

    Putin dares Turkey to test Russia’s air defences in Syria

    Other day, I was referred as some German Member, Indian and now Armenian. :rofl: In the meantime, pray for the plight of Turkmen Terrorist whom death warrant was signed by Turkey by downing SU Bomber. :wave:
  14. N

    Putin dares Turkey to test Russia’s air defences in Syria

    I can read, write and Speak: Armenian, Russian, Ukrainian & English. :lol: In return, we've bomb shit out of the Turkmen Terrorist who killed our Pilot and will continue doing it with immunity. You can watch them silently been send to... Let the right time come, we'll have a bigger avenge for...
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