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  • You can keep your sadness to yourself. We do not need it.

    Despite your hate we WILL rise far greater than you have ever imagines. Our people will bring about such greatness that will leave you and the rest of your ilk squirming.

    Do not the "I am your friend" play here for we all know that you wish us no good and you have shown your colors and paraded them time and again. And it is clear from the friends you have in this friend to what group you belong to. A group that will like you squirm in their beds with many sleepless nights over the greatness we will achieve for our country by our hands.
    My old ways?? You guys start to insult I start to look at you as the ridiculous vile vermination of volition for the virtuous and the righteous humble vodavlian valiance shall not vericate his visage.
    I hear you have Kazakh ethnicity :)
    We might share somewhat a blood connection of our Turkic era :)

    Secularism has been misused in Turkey for many decades, but thanks to Erdogan, today Turkey is not as extremely secular as it has been. Real secularism as you say is not that bad at all. But Turkish-secularism really opressed Muslims for many many decades. But the past 10 years, Erdogan tried to solve those issues, and he really has been succesful, and still is being succesful.

    The progression of Turkey today is not due to secularistic or kemalistic thoughts, it is merely Islam. Erdogan comes from religious roots, his former party was the Islamic party of Turkey. But secularism has been a help in some of his policies, he knows how the game has to be played. He plays the game with their rules.
    Salam brother, truth is, there are atheist Muslims among us in the Turkish threads. And time to time we argue with them, but don't ever get fooled by them. Don't believe what they are saying about Turkey, soon they will declare Turkey as an atheist country. But the real Turkey is far from that.

    Truth is, Turkey is a secular country. I am not very fond about that, since Islam is the beauty, and must be applied appropriately. We can't seperate Islam and our policies from each other, since accepting Islam as the Faith makes the foundation of humanitarian rules and regulations, and we must apply them in our policies.

    Greetings to you my dear brother. I'll add you as a friend.

    Salaam alaykum.
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