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  • Somebozo is not Saudi :lol: and like me he hated religioUs clerics with a passion. Amd thatnis exactly why you are not someone to talk to at all. I apologize for trying to have a civil conversation with you I was mistaken and I will not do this mistake again.

    Keep on insulting your brains out.
    You done?? Good. Neither you nor Aryan know the situation in Syria or Libya as we do in the Arab world. Both of you get your information for either western or eastern propaganda outlets. We on the other hand get our info from actual Libyans and Syrians in our countries who we share language and culture with and all of us grew up watching the same cartoons and movies. And all of us grown up watching each other's serieses and programs. We know each other and the only thing seperating us is a damn border drawn by the colonial forces. You guys maybe in a fog of war but here things are as clear as the sun.
    Wahhabism is not a sect in islam a sect has tp ne recognize by ots adherents as a sect. You will never find a single Saudi saying he is a Wahhabi that is just total Bull$hit. And lol for the wikipedia page. Check its refrences from "Wahhabi Kafer" website :lol: I rest my case.
    Syrian regime massacred people en mass and i dare you to deny this. What people should remain peaceful while wayching their loved ones killed and raped???what logic you have indeed. Assad's artillery falling on houses everyday killing civillians but i guess that is okay right??

    You know a group I know a forum of 200+ people in it who rejoiced the fall of Gaddafi sure there are some Gaddafi supporters but they are by far the minority. Did you lnow that Gaddafi arrested the families of his soldiers and forced the soldiers to fight or their families will get killed?? Did you know that?? And that is what previous Gaddafi army men said themselves.
    I apologize if I offended in any way shape or form however i take the insult of the term Wahhabi very seriously of you are offended by being called insect then i am doubly offended by being called Wahhabi.

    I am more than prepared to answer questions but throwing baseless accusations and then say it is the truth and I MUST believe it is quite laughable.
    What you call destablization of Syria I call people getti g fed up with Assad's family and his Baathist regime and in return killing them en mass like his father did when he killed 40,000 people before. Do you support those massacres?? Simply because Assad is anti-western he gets your full support to do all those things??

    Al-Qaeda is the lowest of the low they are like flies on garbage wherever there is a conflict you will find them front and center in it. The Libyan forums that i am member of which actually has members who were rebel combatants in the civil war as well as previous Libyan army men tell all their stories and Al-Qaeda being the piece of garbage that it is tried to hijack the revolution but rebel forces actually fought them as well. I dont know about yoy but I rather believe the statements of actual people who lived through all these things rather than Media networks.
    You are Kazakh right?? How do you feel about Saudi foriegn minster now present in kazakh increasing our two nations political economic and military ties??
    Yeah KSA members do not co prehend the fact that they alpng with all their loved ones will be massacred. Shocking i know.
    Oh the person who calls for genocide of the Arab race and insult us by caling us Wahhabis is askong about me? Fascinating.
    it is not clearly explained who is Turk, who is "you".

    There are Turkic people in Russia China axis, there are we Turkey in USA-Sunni axis.
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