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  • I am Fine Brother How are you, I just Love to Look at Your Avatar It reminds me of my FAV Character in King Of fighters ........K (K Iori and Kim are my FAV in KOF)

    You wont Believe i was Going to write a Visitor Message to you. BUt you Did Before me, Actually i was waiting for you to cross 1200 Posts so that i can Congratulate you on Your Promotion to the Rank of Colonel.

    Thanx for your such nice compliments for me. i will continue to do that.

    I like your Posts a Lot a Love to Push the Green Button at the End of Your Posts that says Thanks.

    Wish you best of Luck Brother.
    Mr Aloo paratha man, I'm going out to a Pakistani Restaurant just about now! Tandoori BBQ, Seekh kabab's and Roghni Naan's HERE I COME!

    I did read it.

    I'll try and do so. I am a little short on time today since I have to leave for class in half an hour.
    Hey man,
    I am fine..Just busy because of exams and really worried about Pakistan future man.These talibans are killing a lot of innocent Pakistanis :(.
    Thanks mate I also enjoy reading your perspective. Currently I am busy with travel. I have just enough time for quick browsing but later on I will become more active again.

    Yeah.. at a glance it seems things have been messed up by some people. I do not know what kind of diplomatic game it is, but we must wait to see what happens next. But it will become worse, if there is any invisible power which is playing with our sentiments and emotions and thereafter betraying us.
    Anyway, thanks once again for your kind recognition and benevolence, brother. I will try my best as I always do.
    Thank you brother for your kind concern. I am fine... was out of station for a few days. How are you? Hope you are doing well.
    Yeah man seriously! That guy should get a life and just leave. As I've said in that thread, they're the one on the "Stealing" end and putting their Crappy, Giant watermark on pictures that doesn't belong to them.

    Imbeciles! Thanks for supporting me by the way =) Great stuff! :tup:
    Jihad, your concern is rite on the spot. Things are moving fast and plan already there to farther weaken us and you know by whom. Must be vigilant at all the time. If we slip for a sec(literally) and think things are all well than we will be doom.
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