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  • Jihad, i posted this on the thread where you posed the question to me. I'm putting here in case you didn't see it there.
    Originally Posted by Jihad View Post
    With all my respect for you, why is it so hard to admit your own nations wrongdoings? We can always debate on what the U.S. could've done better or shouldn't have done.
    I can admit things that my country has done wrong. What comes to my mind right away is:

    Should not have invaded Iraq.
    Should not have funded Israel after they started settlements in the West Bank.
    Should not have assisted the coup that allowed the Shah of Iran to regain the throne in 1953.
    Should not have supported the Diem regime in Vietnam in 1963 and following.
    Should not have sent peace keeping troops to Lebanon in 1982.
    Should not have sent peace keeping troops to Somalia in 1993.
    Should have joined the League of Nations in 1921.
    Should not have accepted the UN headquarters in New York in 1945.
    Should have outlawed slavery in 1789.

    I'm sure I can think of more.

    What I don't accept is revisionist history on things like Hiroshima. At the time it was the correct decision by President Truman and saved lives on both sides of the conflict. Even in hindsight you can't say that NOT dropping the A-bomb would have been better for the world and humanity.
    Well, I've been following YOUR advice! Greeting every new member :P

    You know, if you come across a picture with the potential to be turned into a comic, redirect it to me ;)
    Thank you! I shall make more in the future :D

    Congratulations on becoming a Senior member! *Thumbs up*
    Thank you! Americanism has been flourishing in India since their creation. Before, they used to adopt the Islamic cultures, trend etc because they ruled over them for so long. They have this Inferiority complex that never leaves their thinking. After the Muslim emperors, came the Britishers. They're used to being ruled upon and therefore the mentality drastically switched from Praising their Mughal emperors to the Britishers. And then Gradually towards the Americans. There's tons of examples that I can provide you but you're already aware of the ground reality.

    It's a shame that thread got closed. It had potential. Only if the "Trolls" acted a little bit decent.
    looks like the Indians are going to troll us to death!
    I guess Mr. Mukerjee was referring to this when he said all options are on the table...
    anyways good posts out there...keep it up
    Oh thanks Jihad:) thankyou so very much.I wish you the same.God bless You.Jazak Allah.
    With the load shedding in Pakistan i do not come on xbox live, plus the fact that its modded ... :-)
    Will try sometime though
    Well, being married has many benefits for the food loving Pakistani Males... :-)
    No worries my friend.
    Do let me know and i am sure i can name quite a few which you and your sister will love.
    Naruto is excellent.
    I play all sorts, Halo3, Gears of War1-2, Ninja Gaiden, Command and Conquer, Battle for middle earth, Call of duty 3-4, Virtua fighter 5, Dead Or Alive 4, Ace Combat 6, Lost Planet, Fallout3, Farcry2, Fable2, Oblivion etc
    You too keep in touch and keep on rolling the aloo parathas, had one yesterday myself... :-)
    Man, i gotta fix me self a couple of those first! So far, i've only made the filling :|
    HAHA! The mighty craving of an aloo paratha has no boundaries! Even if you've just had dinner! :P I feel sorry for you :D
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