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  • I will definitly help out. Not this week though. I have 4 finals and I'm wasting all my time on this site as it is. Thanks for sending the link though, need to counter their lies and propeganda anyway we can.
    You are always welcome. We are really happy for you and your country. It is a big day. A historical day, on which world has confessed to Iran's capabilities.
    Hello Sir
    My question is do you know Iranian Airforce squadrons names or have any of there emblems or squadron logo pictures whihc are equiped with the F-14 tomcat
    Thanks in advance
    I need your help
    just leave a visitor message on my wall
    خودت و آن دوست دیگر بدون موجب از افغانستان بدگویی کردید٫ من هم میتوانستم که از ایران انتقاد کنم اما جلو مردمان غریبه این کار درست نیست.
    you completely misunderstood my statement, i did not intend to insult Iran, rather what i meant was that Iran would only bring its own destruction through a war with israel for the sake of Palestine (Arab cause), the same Arabs who can care less if Iran gets nuked by USA or israel, the same goes for Pakistan, arabs can care less if Pakistan gets bombed by india since Arabs enjoy strong relations with india anyway. I think Iran and Pakistan should build stronger ties and further the relations between both our two countries because both Iran and Pakistan have a lot to benefit from one another. Every Pakistani admires the self reliance of Iran, but i think Iran deserves a leader who only wants whats best for Iranians and the nation of Iran, the same goes for Pakistan, we also need leadership that looks after the interest of our nation.
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