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  • ok
    marzi hai u have a great knowlegde
    aur agar kabi share krna chao sis to id per baat hogi
    ok marzi hai maat do
    aik community hai PAF orkut per us ay topic hai GIRLS IN PAF join krogi
    boys bhut bolte hain wahan
    that cool..good for you ..May be its just me ..anyway if you dont mind can i ask you some thing/??
    there is a msg from a member not to spoil that thread..so i am not writing dere..But i am now working..college days are over for me :D .. i would say college lifes are much better that school days ..
    Ina Lililah e wa ina eleh e Rajeun...

    i dont have appropriate words , but still , i hope you will accept my condolences.
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