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  • Hi, I've been reading some of your posts and they are very ant-India. Your'e obviously entitled to our own opinion but I do wish that you wouldn't be hateful when posting. Please don't judge all Indians by the few ignorami that troll these forums.

    well i guess it has more to do with the fact that india doesn't figure in list of higher priorities within china.
    thanks anyways.
    hi card sharp,
    i want to ask something
    in after math of india china war.
    History was also one of the casualty.
    our version of history is rather not complete.
    i guess it was twisted to suit our needs.
    i do not know the exact reason.

    did anything of this sort happened in china???
    "Concentrating Forces and Audacious Action: PLA Lessons from the Sino-Indian War "
    nice thread!!1
    please keep up the good work.
    I have take the liberty of cross posting my reply to your post regarding the 1962 conflict on the

    "Concentrating Forces and Audacious Action: PLA Lessons from the Sino-Indian War "

    thread, as I believe it to be better suited for continued conversation on this topic, compared to the current thread.

    google this text "The Chinese GDP Growth Rate Puzzle:
    How Fast Has the Chinese Economy
    Grown?" click on third link down, the site should be mitpressjournals.org
    Though i hate pink.
    Lol then start wearing pink shoes and pink trousers to college. :P I am sure people will love it....
    Yaa I will ask some of my frens to join here and I assure you soon they will make this a Pink Defence Forum. And then you guys will be fighting over them :P.... Some of the greatest war were fought because of women only :P Chinese history is also full of it aint it :P
    Ahhhhhhhhhh so sorry just followed his posts. Yaar it all started in this land long back, if i am not wrong there was some member it started with him and the trend continued. I am sorry from his side. These days things are going haywire. I hardly feel replying for many posts. I am totally avoiding Indo Chinese discussions thats why because I am sure nothing is going to come out of it.
    hey what happened to you??????????????????????????????????? You look bit frustrated these days? Everything alright
    I did entertain the possibility of such a classification, however,imho the repeated statements of "Top 3" preclude such an explanation.

    The the writer's conviction that there ought to be only 3 superpowers at most comes off quite strongly due to this repeated insistence. As its obvious from the table...there can be only 3 yes's for any given row of that table; due to this inherent limitation.

    Then we have this strange situation of "top three military power with indigenous weapons". This bunches two different and distinct requirements together. The answer could be either Yes or No depending on which requirement one wants to look at. I assume the writer implied the top three military powers alone, because India has as many indigenous weapons (based on weapon types) as does China or Russia. Hell even the American SAW is Belgian in origin.

    Furthermore we have some classic cases of moving the goalposts within the requirement list.

    # Top 3 Sports Superpower
    # Top 3 manned Space power
    # Top 3 Per capita(I assume he meant capita by "capital) GDP power

    ^^ These were arbitrarily thrown in by the one who set this table up for good measure. The only things that actually matter are the GDP, the Military power(nuclear comes within this). Everything else is merely icing on the cake.

    imho this table seems to have been drawn up to merely make a(faulty) point.
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