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Recent content by blitz

  1. B

    Awesome animated video including PAF. MUST SEE!!!

    I like the guys imagination regarding Alien technology. Quite unlike the stereotypical laser and phazer shooting, invisible force field clad alien crafts, these aliens use physical ramming with their super-hard body as their mode of attack. I also liked the defense mechanism he used for the...
  2. B

    Ancient History not Appreciated by Pakistanis?

    Wow talk about lying through one's nose. I suppose thats not insulting eh ? And now show us where have i insulted you or anyone else ? Isn't waging 'Jihad' supposed to be a duty for all muslims, or are you telling me that 'jihad' is a derogatory term ? You must learn to differentiate...
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    Ancient History not Appreciated by Pakistanis?

    "Islam is a way of thinking and living." Civilization is also a way of thinking and living. Hence the term, 'Islamic civilization'.
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    Ancient History not Appreciated by Pakistanis?

    Of course i am narrow minded and moronic with nothing better to do. You on the other hand seem very wide minded, brilliant and with much better things to do. So i suggest you continue with your 'jihad' against history to satisfy your ego. Really doesn't change things one bit either way.
  5. B

    Ancient History not Appreciated by Pakistanis?

    There is a reason why Pakistan i said to lie within the "Indian Sub-continent". Need i say more ?
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    Ancient History not Appreciated by Pakistanis?

    Whoa this is hilarious !! Pakistanis is so desperate for 'respect' and 'legitimacy' that now you guys even want to steal Indian history ? haha. Piece of land does not a civilization make. A civilization is a set of traditions, set of ethics, rituals, religions, way of life, etc. In India the...
  7. B

    Arjun - new videos

    2nd response and the 'my **** is bigger than yours' contest has already begun. Good going.:guns:
  8. B

    Arjun - new videos

    Part 1 [url= - Arjun MBT 1 of 2[/url] Part 2 [url= - Arjun MBT 2 of 2[/url]
  9. B

    China Still Years Ahead of India

    China is 'light years' ahead of India ? How, which start system is it in ? :rofl: And all this while i thougt 'light years' is a unit of distance.:crazy:
  10. B

    Indian involvement with anti-state elements in Pakistan

    First of all, i wanted to respond to you. Icecold was a typo. But boy how you exploited it in order to mock me. Heh good for you, i suppose it made you feel intellectually superior. As for your responses to other points, oh well what can i say ? Its pointless i suppose. "You can wake up...
  11. B

    Indian involvement with anti-state elements in Pakistan

    Dimension, i will copy-paste my earlier post. Waiting for your response. "lets debate. So you are saying that Pakistan will wage a conventional war to gain Kashmir ? Question is, where and how do you control the escalation ladder ? See i stated the scenario pretty clearly in my last post, but...
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    Indian involvement with anti-state elements in Pakistan

    Icecold, lets debate. So you are saying that Pakistan will wage a conventional war to gain Kashmir ? Question is, where and how do you control the escalation ladder ? See i stated the scenario pretty clearly in my last post, but instead of countering it, you went on senseless tangents. I do not...
  13. B

    Indian involvement with anti-state elements in Pakistan

    Yes i wish to contest that. You just contradicted yourself in your above two paragraphs. First you said neither side will resort to war because of nuclear weapons, and then you say if all else fails war will be waged. So tell me please, what kind of force will the PA bring to bear on Kashmir...
  14. B

    What do you think of the UN?

    Depends on ones location and perspective IMHO. UN seems useless with regards to any major Geo-political activity, but it has its uses. First of all it atleast gives minor nations a voice. There voice might not be heeded to by major powers, but atleast its heard. Counts for a lot. If i were a...
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    Meh, now how does one argue with this kind of flawless logic ? British colonialism, slave mentality, UNSC seat, coming to others forums etc etc pure gems !! Overseer, what can i say, you are truly special. Might i suggest the 'special' olympics for you ? Anyways, unlike you, i shall not...
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