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And Indians have soooo much "self-respect" but did others respect you?? I think it is more akin to shear maniacal arrogance. Indians never stop talking about its "own" achievements while actively degrading other's acheivements in other people's forums. In a way, India is "different" from others.

Calling a spade a spade is not degrading anyone, unless ofcourse you got something to hide. Calling a North Korean missile a North Korean missile isn't disrespecting anyone either.

As for respect, well, id rather respect myself than look for it in other peoples eyes. Desperately searching for respect among other people's eyes is a very typical Chinese trait. Question is, does it stem from lack of confidence or insecurity ? Aha that stung didn't it ? awww :wave:

And before you go on your retaliatory tirade ill just make it easier for you. Yes we Indians are such low lifes, arrogant and incompetent people. Happy ? Do you see how easily i can say this about myself without feeling one bit insecure ? Its because i as an Indian am not insecure about what a Chinese thinks about me.

Insecurity boss, its an evil, id advice you to abandon it as soon as possible.
Calling Bhramos Indigeous rather russian is seflrespect ahhh. Typical Indian point of view.
Selfrespect my foot! Japan has been the only country that got its *** hit by a nuke and yet they worship the same country who did it. Germany forget how there asss was kicked in WW2 and the country was divided in two parts east and west hitler was forced to kill himself and to this day the countries nukes are in US hands. This you call selfrespect suck it up then, we are much better then that. .

Australia, ahhh a country still under the influence of the queen one can see it from there flag. Canada you are mistaken about it since canadians dont like US at one bit there only problem is that they have to rely on US for there defence and so is SouthKorea....... if this is what you call self respect,

More gems!!! Pakistan at most a third world country better than Germany,Japan,Australia and S Korea
Calling a spade a spade is not degrading anyone, unless ofcourse you got something to hide. Calling a North Korean missile a North Korean missile isn't disrespecting anyone either.

As for respect, well, id rather respect myself than look for it in other peoples eyes. Desperately searching for respect among other people's eyes is a very typical Chinese trait. Question is, does it stem from lack of confidence or insecurity ? Aha that stung didn't it ? awww :wave:

Insecurity boss, its an evil, id advice you to abandon it as soon as possible.

LOL, I must have hit a nerve. :D. Awwww....

I was just calling spade a spade. Indians like you are pretty evident to everyone that you need to TROLL in other people's forum to get your "self-assured" confidence. Self respect? Oh please. That's just maniac arrogance. Seems to be an Indian trait.

Insecure? I am not the one looking for "other's approval" by coming to other people's forum and posting "a shining India" and degrading others. I think you perfectly embody what you are describing yourself, insecure...arrogant and incompetent people. That's self-respect. LOL!

Honestly, you don't need to force yourself to prove to me that you are not "insecure". It just makes your look more pathetic attempting to do so. And I can perfectly understand your mentality. After being competely owned by the British for over 200 years, you "need" to re-establish your self confidence by being arrogant, even though you got nothing to show for it.

As for us Chinese being "insecure"... I think you have mistaken humility with "insecurity". We don't like to brag like you people. And we certainly don't need to "beg for a for a seat in UNSC" like you do LOL!! :wave:

Arrogance goes hand in hand with insecurity, and I suggest you take your own advice. ;)

PS. Seems like you still havn't shake off your age-old slave mentality. I am not your former slave master (incase you forgot, that's the British) so you don't need to call me "boss". You sure show me some self-respect. LOL!
LOL, I must have hit a nerve. :D. Awwww....

I was just calling spade a spade. Indians like you are pretty evident to everyone that you need to TROLL in other people's forum to get your "self-assured" confidence. Self respect? Oh please. That's just maniac arrogance. Seems to be an Indian trait.

Insecure? I am not the one looking for "other's approval" by coming to other people's forum and posting "a shining India" and degrading others. I think you perfectly embody what you are describing yourself, insecure...arrogant and incompetent people. That's self-respect. LOL!

Honestly, you don't need to force yourself to prove to me that you are not "insecure". It just makes your look more pathetic attempting to do so. And I can perfectly understand your mentality. After being competely owned by the British for over 200 years, you "need" to re-establish your self confidence by being arrogant, even though you got nothing to show for it.

As for us Chinese being "insecure"... I think you have mistaken humility with "insecurity". We don't like to brag like you people. And we certainly don't need to "beg for a for a seat in UNSC" like you do LOL!! :wave:

Arrogance goes hand in hand with insecurity, and I suggest you take your own advice. ;)

PS. Seems like you still havn't shake off your age-old slave mentality. I am not your former slave master (incase you forgot, that's the British) so you don't need to call me "boss". You sure show me some self-respect. LOL!

Meh, now how does one argue with this kind of flawless logic ? British colonialism, slave mentality, UNSC seat, coming to others forums etc etc pure gems !! Overseer, what can i say, you are truly special. Might i suggest the 'special' olympics for you ?

Anyways, unlike you, i shall not indulge in curcular arguments. I suppose you made your point, and i know i made mine. We shall leave the rest to other people's interpretations.
Loser u r, that too a BIG one.

Is that all you can come up with after your done with arguments and started with personal comments. OR is the reality to hard for the mighty Bull to accept and is running wild to hit whoever comes in the way, i can see it already lowering my reputation is all what you can do but remember reality bites back and before you call others to admit calling the missle to be North Korean, remember to do it yourself too, your so called Indigeous projects which by the way sucks and are still nowere to be seen after even 25 years and besides all the help given.

Couple of warnings sent.
Well it has often bugged me how some Pakistanis actually like to be considered 'important tools' of superpowers, and surprisingly take pride in it. There is a big urge to be under the shade of a great power. Its not the first time i have heard this. Is it only limited to internet warriors or is it widespread among the population ?

The sheer psychophancy displayed towards China these days, and the US when they were bestest of allies is simply amazing. I have never seen any people take so much pride in some other people's acievements, allies or no allies.

Is it just me or have other people also noticed this pehnomenon ? Instead of bashing me, try to be honest.

Tools of superpowers? What exactly is India becoming now? A tool of the United States being given some toys to counter the rise of a power that is threatening to challange the might of the US of A. Also, don't forget that your citizens steal jobs from Americans because someone in Delhi does for $2 what an American would do for $20. It's not because these Indian men and women have some magical ability that no one else in the world does. It's because India is a poor country where some young people can be taught English and made to work for cheap.

Unlike Indians, Pakistani's are realistic. We know we cannot challange large powers on our own. We have no illusions of becoming a superpower when so many of our citizens struggle to make ends meet everyday. We realize that China will become a superpower soon, and it has been our best friend ever since it was born. Both Pakistan and China can benefit from a friendly relationship. China has an ally to counter US moves in the middle east and South Asia, while Pakistan has a powerful (more so by the day) ally which will help propell it towards prosperity.

The reason we are so pleased to see China progress is because we know that means progress for Pakistan as well. The stronger China is, the stronger Pakistan is. Chahiye dunya idhar say udhar ho jaye, Pakistan's friendship with China will never cease. The same cannot be said for India's relationship with Russia or the USA.

If Pakistan is China's tool, China is Pakistan's tool as well.
Indians like you are pretty evident to everyone that you need to TROLL in other people's forum to get your "self-assured" confidence.

Where else can we met losers like you.

[Insecure? I am the one looking for "other's approval" by coming to other people's forum and posting and degrading others. I think i perfectly embody what you are describing myself, insecure...arrogant and incompetent people. That's self-respect. LOL!

Yeah right, i have i just modified your post in a more appropraite way.

[PS. Seems like you still havn't shake off your age-old slave mentality. I am not your former slave master (incase you forgot, that's the British) so you don't need to call me "boss". You sure show me some self-respect. LOL!

Slaves to british, then slave to America and then to Military dictators, denied their basic right of self determination.Whom am i talking about?
Tools of superpowers? What exactly is India becoming now?.

Well we are not Pakistan. You expect every country to be as spineless as yours, you expect every country has rulers that would bend over to US to get their opposition exiled or send to jail or be over thrown or killed. What you fail to see is that there is only one country like that and thats yours, one and only Pakistan.

A tool of the United States being given some toys to counter the rise of a power that is threatening to challange the might of the US of A.

Which toys?

Also, don't forget that your citizens steal jobs from Americans because someone in Delhi does for $2 what an American would do for $20. It's not because these Indian men and women have some magical ability that no one else in the world does. It's because India is a poor country where some young people can be taught English and made to work for cheap.

Yes very true, we are a poor country and we learned how to make those 2 dollars and not waste one's life by wearing a belt and blowing up.

Unlike Indians, Pakistani's are realistic. We know we cannot challange large powers on our own.

So u decided to go and blow up in their tubes and buses.

We realize that China will become a superpower soon, and it has been our best friend ever since it was born.

China could have helped you during the wars we fought by opening a second front. Did they? Why was China silent during Kargil? Where was china when you wre cut into two?

Both Pakistan and China can benefit from a friendly relationship. China has an ally to counter US moves in the middle east and South Asia, while Pakistan has a powerful (more so by the day) ally which will help propell it towards prosperity.

So after having a distastefull nightout with US, now you want to try China out?

If Pakistan is China's tool, China is Pakistan's tool as well.

Pakistan is china's tool. Bother explaining?
*** sign ***

There are so many erroneous assumptions (both strategic and asset) here that this thread is presenting the wrong information from all sides.

Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are significant military powers. Japan has the strongest fleet in all of East Asia. Taiwan fields a 500,000 man army. The most powerful fortification line in the world belongs to South Korea.

Pakistan, while cannot match the technological array of the US's ally, is a far more dedicated ally. The US has to beg for her allies to fight her wars and when even faced with a common enemy, America's Asian allies refuses to help each other. Japan will not even sign a defence treaty with Australia, let alone Seoul and Taipei. Is there any question that a Pakistani Army will march east if an Indian Army marches north or a Chinese Army south?

Islamabad may proved to be Keystone Cops more often the 2nd coming of Napoleon but she has been fighting the Taliban without a complaint, even when on the receiving end of blue-on-blue situation.

And that is where I hold Pakistan above Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan as far as being allies are concerned. Despite her technological backwardness when compared to these East Asian forces, Pakistan is willing to fight. These other 3 are not, at least not together, even when confronted by a superior common enemy.
And that is where I hold Pakistan above Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan as far as being allies are concerned. Despite her technological backwardness when compared to these East Asian forces, Pakistan is willing to fight.

How do you possibly suggest pakistan as technological backwardness. What kind of technology are we talking about electronics or military? We migh be backwards regarding electronics or car manufacturing, but how are we backwards in military technology against the nations you mentioned keeping US aside. Incase you might have forgotton, pakistan is a nuclear power, we have one of the most sofisticated missle systems shaheen which surpasses even the indians and not to mention our cruise missle programe a technology which was at one time enjoyed only by the nations like US, Russia, Britain. How is pakistan technological backwards according to you.
F-15s, F-16s, Mini-me M1, a home grown designed naval fleet, a fighter industry (albeit one no one else on earth wants to afford), American C4ISR, air-land doctrine.

Nukes is a non-starter. The three American Asian allies are under the US nuclear umbrella. You've lost that one before it began. The current crop of cruise missile tech started 30 years ago. Anyone with enough money should be able to make one now. However, ballastic missiles still represent a cheaper and more effective force than cruise missiles.
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