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  • I don't know what half those terms mean ! :P But English Literature was always my favourite in the A'levels ! Any chance of visiting Pakistan ?
    Hey yaar, you're 'About Me' says that you're a University Student; what do you actually study ?
    Thanks yaar ! By the way...apart from some of us Ultranationalist here on PDF the vast majority of Pakistanis have nothing but Love for the Arabs !I've got family and friends living quite happily in Saudi Arabia & the worst that they've said about the KSA is how they haven't built themselves up proportionate to their God-given potential ! Heck my neighbour, who worked in KSA for 10 years, wants a Saudi styled Shariah implementation in Pakistan ! As for me, I was ticked off because I recently met an Arab here in Lahore who was visiting Pakistan for business and he gave me this distinct impression that he was better than us because he wore a Keffiyeh and that long flowing robe (I dunno whether he used the word Thwab or something else for it) and could speak the Arabic language while we - Non-Arabs - don't, according to him dress like the Prophet used to..let alone speak the Prophet's language ! I suppose my pride in my own culture overrode common decency and so I really am sorry !
    Hey, mate ! I'm sorry ! I just got carried away in my hot-headedness when you (or someone else) called Pakistan a failed state who can't even take care of her own people ! I really am sorry....I didn't know that you guys helped us too ! Please forgive me !
    Dude...the world will come to an end if you consider the like of Somebozo as "majority of Pakistanis" lol.
    Rest assured, most Pakistanis do consider Arabs as their brothers. This somebozo guy by the way trolls against Pakistanis as well lol.
    From reading in wikipedia i find him to be "Quranist". But I was not aware of him before you asked me.

    Basically, I refuse to identify myself as a member of any sect be it Sunni, shia or even quranist. I try to follow Quran as much as possible and I find it coincidental because I was not aware of him before you mentioned to me

    What do you want to know about me?
    لا تخاف راجعين و راجعين بقوه شويه
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