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  • I think that Pakistani member was Imran Khan, he is also a member on this forum too but i think he is banned due to opening multiple accounts, i hope he comes back because he's been a member here for a long time.

    He told us once on the Egyptian army thread about his experience on the Arab defence forum.
    Is there a Arab-English Forum? Because the ones you posted are all in Arabic and i can't read Arabic. :(
    الولد معقد نفسيا من يوم شفته يشتم في العرب وأنا غاسل يدي منه. علماني ويكره أمريكا مصري ويشتم العرب سني ويحب ايران وبشار.
    يمكنه نوع جديد من الناصرية اليسارية لكن مثل ماقلت مستحيل نغير رأيه
    لا حياة لمن تنادي
    كلمني عالياهو احسن من هون
    But he was being unfriendly towards me i don't get how can you like that?!
    Are you still mad at me for what i said? it was just a reaction at that moment i didn't mean it bro.
    Blackeagle i thought we were cool bro, what happened? why are you thanking his posts for?
    Well it is something worrying for me ! I know I wouldn't want to log onto a forum of someone I've been told is our 'Ally' and find out that people there despise us more than some of our enemies !

    Thank you for the English bit ! I'm not going through the academic stream; mine is a Professional Qualification. ACCA - Chartered Accountancy; I dunno whether you guys have a similar qualification in Jordan because Chartered Accountancy is more of a British and by extension, Common Wealth thing !
    Don't worry you won't get chopped up in Pakistan ! I'm afraid some of us, Ultra-Nationalist, have, perhaps, irrevocably damaged your (and Mosa's and Waleed's) perception of how the common Pakistani perceives Arabs in general and Saudis in particular ! I do hope that you come and visit Pakistan and see for yourself how almost every Pakistani has nothing but Love for Arabs ! Heck one of the accusation levelled against Pakistan by the Indians and our resident Pseudo-Intellectuals is that Pakistan has actually, to use their term, Arabized their society and given up on their own culture ! I'm sorry for the part I've played in forming this perception; You really have to come to Pakistan to see for yourself !
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