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  • Hahaha I am not saying sniper is better than Trax. I am saying sniper is better at ''trolling''....

    You can annihilate creeps with Shrapnel,

    You would harrass enemy heroes with your ultr-long range and won't let them level up and make money

    You can attack towers witout getting attacked by towers and your Shrapnel skill could inflict great damage to towers as well :D

    Your ulti is ultimate trolling skill :D It is a ultimate hero for trolling enemy heroes and making their game sukzs :P
    You need to start with shield and make a Vanguard as soon as you can. After that a bot would be nice I prefer simple bot than travel around lvl 11~ If you are good with it Blink Dagger really works for Axe.

    As 3 or 4th (ıf you don't want to buy BD) item Blade Mail or Linken... You need buy Linken if there are a lot of Ints or stunners and you need to buy BM if there are a lot of normal attackers.

    Then you can make Shiva or AC (assault Cuirass) I like both but if you need mana and stun for fast/blinking heros you need Shiva but if you need armor for stong damage opponents you need AC.

    And ofcourse Heart of Tarrasque and Radiance are dream items for Axe :D

    BUT you shouldn't choose Axe when there are Naix=Anti-Str, Spectre= Damage Return when Axe spins, broodmother= She could muck up nearly every hero in early games :D

    Hope it was helpful and you could take revenge from your friends with kicking their @rses with Axe :D
    Hahaha I love Dota, I stll play it with my bro and his friends when I am in Turkey :) My favrute Dota chracters by class is,

    Int- Invoker/Rhasta/Puck

    Agi- Rikimaru was my favorute when he was kickass and could pawn whole team by himself but now my favorutes are this, Yurnero/Nevermore/Trax

    Str- Axe is by far my favorute, I know its noob char but I learned to play Dota with Axe Earthshaker/Balanar/Abad/Nessaj


    Edit: God... I wrote Exe... I should hit my head against a wall.... :)
    Hahahah Yea I am :D You got me :P

    Lets say I am a gamer :) I spend my Primary/high school years on online gaming/Total War Series and now spending my time *expect finals and midterms* on Skyrim :D
    Hahaha No no I didn't but I grow up playing Revenant :) What an awesome game it was...
    It is propably about growing up with my brother and his friends and loving history :D But how can someone not interested in weapons!! They maybe used as a tool for cruelty but they are the instruments that shaped this world as we live it!!
    I am not going to desing anything other than apartments/houses :) My father had a construction compony and I will create my own one when I finally graduate :) Atleast thats the plan... hahahaha :D
    Yes I'm hoping to go there in the future maybe after I get married. visit south east asia, south asia.
    Thank you, I was really upset with the MODS. One of Syrian members insulted me harshly in person in Arabic and he only got a warning. I want just to guarantee that no one gets insulted like that and get away with it. I am back for my country and Syrian people sake. Thank you my beloved brother.
    Hahaha :)

    GALATASARAY FTW!!! :D We are going to be champ this year :P unlike some other team *add troll face*
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