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  • -Boy: Persephone says, "I give you what you want but you have to "kiss me", not a random "kiss". I want you to make me feel that I am haaa."
    -Boy: Pied Piper didn't have a problem with kids, he had a problem with their fathers. Instead of making ads, let's just read minds!...
    -Boy to PC: I'd rather leave and try to help my species and save them from becoming extinct at the hands of unthankful blood gulpers. No?
    -Boy to PC: So I now am sitting with them "thots", gambling, drinking, doing things I'd not do. Still hostile, killing my people. Why?
    -Boy: Our case isn't the economy nor miracles. It was still to save Palestinians, to stop committing mischief while claiming victimhood.
    -Boy: I remember him saying endangered species. They're worried we might kill the Oppressed and take colourful paper from them. But why not?
    -DET: It's an economic miracle. -Boy: Nothing changed. This is how we lived! Unharmed? Indian! Killed? Bullied? <put any other name here>!
    Even common sense says it wasn't the end. The things mentioned are fabricated, the situation was not as good as mentioned.
    "Then, the narrator laughed to death, the Oppressed got the war postponed and Assad was there to kill Syrians forever after..."
    -Boy (trolling): It's 2 AM, where is the defensive?! -SGT. Maltreated: Our god couldn't make it..he..he passed away.. -Boy: He passed away?!
    "It was a conflict back then. They blamed us, but we were not the cause of it. Now, one can see the fruit of leaving the cause untreated."
    -Boy: We never need anyone to police us when we do those things. If they want to do themselves a favour, they can stop mischief today.
    -DET: They called you a monitor. -Boy: Yet another nonsensical name-giving. With our blood we work, we fight, we fix things, we do anything.
    -DET: Not a citizen of Canada? -Boy: No. I can go there though. -DET: Why not? -Boy: Canada is Rapture, where Little Sisters crave for ADAM.
    -DET: What do you do? -Boy: Swordsman, programmer, artist, potter, officer or soldier. It depends on her. -DET: And she is? -Boy: An author.
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