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  • -Boy: I hoped they'd stay dressed for the last time. Having gone as far as we could, life became a nightmare. Too much unexplained killing.
    -Boy: Perhaps if they knew about the downside of nudity, they would have got another opinion by now. I bet even men would have worn Burqa'.
    -Oppressed: Domestic news! How?! Obsessed! -Boy: None criticized nudity, p****graphy, as much as we did. You just fought for self-exposure.
    -DET: When will it end? -Boy: I don't know. It deemed us a fault in the system and pumped "giant foes", called them gods and cornerstones.
    -DET: No ideas of rebuilding? -Boy: People plant and build when they are safe. We didn't feel safe at any moment. It wasn't the end, either.
    -DET: English is the primary language. -Boy: I didn't say anything not English. Priorities, true intentions, they distinguish between us.
    -DET: You weren't there for education? -Boy: He brought me. All I needed to know was that they exist and believe world revolves around them.
    -DET: So things you've done are the things you'd have done if you ever been to Europe. -Boy: Yes. There's no reason to go to Europe today.
    -DET: Because of us, freedom lives. They say so. Your remark? -Boy: Because of them no war ends. Because of them people died, and will die.
    -DET: Why not much explanation? -Boy: I'd cite movies to tell what happens next, who are they, and why it's pointless to waste time on them.
    -DET: Why can't I call it singing? -Boy: Because I didn't promise anyone, anything. Especially, extremist bigots who are the most selfish.
    -DET: A problem with dress code? -Boy: Some people sacrifice to see everyone clothed while some others try to undress everyone, for life.
    -DET: Kept your first love? -Boy: No one will take their own eyes off. They had a problem with dress code, hence "oppressed" clothing.
    -DET: Why the indifference back then? -Boy: If politely, one stays silent. Impolitely, you tell people they've killed too many.
    -DET: You knew the kids were scared. -Boy: Yes. I also knew that another woman's name was Rawdha. It means Kindergarten, the safest place.
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