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  • -Oppressed: Admit it! You are obsessed of our nation! -Boy: Home of the most notorious blood-gulpers and snake breeders. You are my passion!
    -DET: Eye for an eye makes everyone blind. -Boy: That's Ghandi. Eye for an eye is our principle, but choice is always there for aggressors.
    -Boy: Now they know who are the biggest enemies of the hanging gardens of Babylon. "Preventer of good, aggressor, and doubter".
    -MissSenses: Liars! You all went to Europe for silicone breasts!! -Boy: Or for spilled blood, snake-holes, snake breeders. We are "cursed".
    -DET: Trailer? -Boy: On how life was supposed to be, had it not been for their pride/bigotry. People hallucinate when the end comes near.
    -Morpheus: You've felt it your entire life. There's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there...
    -Morpheus: Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it.
    -Boy: ...a tower that I might reach the ways into the heavens - so that I may look at the deity of Moses; but indeed, I think he is a liar."
    -DET: Who was behind the hacking attempts of the energy facilities? -Boy: It isn't new. And Pharaoh said, "O Haman, build me a tower...
    -DET: Bas***ds? -Boy: Yes. In their education, or culture. We don't call people bas***ds, but bas***d behaviour exists. The behaviour.
    -Boy: He's the one to blame. Everyone was trying to prove themselves "not bas***ds". They make troubles and blame others, it's pathetic!.
    -Boy: I don't know what people don't get. They did everything, and nearly exterminated us. How does one expect entertainment after that?
    -Boy: I always reminded them it wasn't the end. They did not only endanger themselves, they endangered us too. Snake-holes everywhere...
    -Boy: What they call a "video game" is a backbone of our survival, what they call a serious ABC-XYZ stuff is needless killing, destruction.
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