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  • -Boy: Name-giving? Not a big deal. Place-making? It's in the nature of all species to build a place and call it home. Why was I imprisoned?
    -Boy: I am not Muslim if I wish others any good, I'm Buddhist. Neither can we go to the zoo and play with the animals, it's a Jewish thing.
    -Boy: When I sacrifice myself to save the ones I love from people who can't see how much harm they cause to others, they call me Christian..
    -DET: Are you an undercover Christian? -Boy: Same Muslim. When I am coerced/bullied till I blow myself up to pieces, they call me Osiris...
    -PC: Not how much, it' always what you know that matters! -Boy: I can't explain. It's complex very!, ABC very!, <technical term here> very!!
    -DET: So if he dies, he dies. -Boy: I didn't kill anyone yet, back then. They kill themselves so that we deal with their endless troubles.
    ...the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them, and the flesh of all people, free and slave...
    ...Come and gather together for the supper of the great God, that you may eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains,...
    "Then I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven: "
    -Boy: They changed after seeing what lied beneath it. I didn't know how to convince them of being the cause of their problems, and others'.
    -DET: What is it? -Boy: The women, they ripped her outer-garment apart. They seemed to have a deeply-seated and inherited hatred of her.
    -Boy: We talk to them privately and give them a choice, whereas they discredit everyone and strip them naked. We've got personal experience.
    -Boy: Her name, Haleema, means Patient. Code for food or sins for food, but we weren't the ones to wage war. -DET: Isn't that scandalizing?
    -DET: Code for food. -Boy: Our part of the story, Mayar. That woman's name means "bringer of food". Another one who befriended my brother...
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