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Recent content by anarchy 99

  1. A

    Hundreds of Tibetans demand freedom from China in Chinese Town.

    Why the hell haven't we just done some ethnic cleansing on these Tibetans? The CPC is too soft these days.
  2. A

    China:Muslims,Tibetans unwelcome in the Party.

    Western media is all propaganda. When it comes to brainwashing propaganda, no one bests the western media.
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    CIA chief Petraeus resigns over extramarital affair

    This is part of the coverup in the Benghazi attack I reckon. Maybe a scapegoat. Apparently Eisenhower had an affair with his driver. If people got fired for having an affair, then more than half of the US congress would be fired.
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    China Economy Forum

    Having big trade surpluses does not mean that china is back to being run by net exports. You can be a consumption based economy and still have large trade surpluses. Western analysts are utter ignorant fools. These clowns think being a consumption based economy means consumption has to...
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    No plan to build second aircraft carrier: China

    For now we need 8. We will eventually need 50 aircraft carriers once our economy gets big enough to have our pax sinica.
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    No plan to build second aircraft carrier: China

    We need 8 aircraft carriers.
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    Aircraft carrier is a glorified training ship per NY times article

    Yes we know how it works. We know everything.
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    2 U.S. carriers deployed

    Nah we know it better than the USN. I'm 100% sure. No question about it. We scared one American submarine sh*tless when we were using our vastly superior technologies to stalk a clueless US submarine. So yes, we definitely know it better than the USN. It's the history book their regime...
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    China To Challenge US Dollar Reserve Currency Status

    :lol: you cannot run a reserve currency on aid you clown. The reserve currency is about stability and at the time the dollar was the most stable currency, it was also backed by gold. There is zero evidence in economic theory that to be a reserve currency you need to run current account deficits...
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    China To Challenge US Dollar Reserve Currency Status

    Yup, Indians feel totally humiliated that the only they can do is hate us. India is a footnote in this world.
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    China To Challenge US Dollar Reserve Currency Status

    LOL didn't I teach a you a lesson in economics before. Noob. The US had current account SURPLUSES in 1950's and 1960's. Didn't stop them then being the reserve currency. If you don't understand economics, don't talk economics noob.
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    China To Challenge US Dollar Reserve Currency Status

    Those numbers are out of date, the BIS publishes their forex transactions data every 3 years. The yuan really took off in 2011 and 2012. The yuan is now the 14th (as of September 2012) most used currency in trade. This was data from SWIFT. Yuan was 20th at the start of the year. By the...
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    India wants Gorshkov in 6 months; says Further Delay will invite Penalty

    Not really. If India had the capability to reverse engineer, you would do it just like you tried against kashelnikovs. It takes alot of knowledge to reverse engineer, the fact that India cannot do it shows how primitive Indians are at making their own weapons. That's why you guys...
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    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    Real economy is investing in productive things that will give a future return and remove bottkenecks like manufacturing and infrastructure. Deadweight loss is part and parcel when you are investing, if we have 70% success rate, then it's a success. They used to call pudong shanghai a ghost...
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    Vikramaditya aircraft carrier's handover DELAYED UNTIL FALL 2013

    Living inside the Liaoning is luxury for 98% of the Indian population. It has food, it has toilets, it has uninterrupted electricity. 3 things the vast majority of the Indian population don't have. If you gave an Indian a choice between living on the Liaoning and living in India, every Indian...
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