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AgNoStiC MuSliM

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  • Bro what's going on here? You are quitting too. We lost DS and now you. Oh man that getting weird now.......
    Salam bruv, i have noticed you are a mod of this website. I have a problem here please help me out thanks. Whenever i log-in to this site, i am not able to post dont know what happened. Please tell me what i should do Thanks.
    Thats good to hear AM. It would be a shame if any real differences were to emerge. I thought all of you together made an excellent moderation team. Thanks for the update.
    Did you look at those profiles..He left links there.Oh and sorry for the personal attacks man..i get angry when ever i see his posts..Man he is so much anti pakistan and believe in total indian crap..i have read his posts on WAB Too and too much anti PAkistani crap he post there.I am sorry and it wont happen again.
    Agno, Joshi is posting Bharat rakshak threads link on different user profiles...please ban him.
    Hi, i have an application which is available free from internet it is called team viewer which helps you to remote connect your friends comp for file transfers can i share this in the members club or will it be against forum rules.
    Thanks for your time.
    by telling truth u delete my posts, unbelievable even i never named any one. is this is ur democracy, sorry your are never accept the truth.

    Old Today, 02:40 PM
    This message has been deleted by AgNoStIc MuSliM. Reason: pointless posts - trolling
    Old Today, 03:17 PM
    This message has been deleted by AgNoStIc MuSliM. Reason: pointless posts - trolling
    Old Today, 03:26 PM
    This message has been deleted by AgNoStIc MuSliM. Reason: pointless posts - trolling
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