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  • The Kasab's thread closed! It was not of much relevance in its revealing of who got the act done by whom. The more important message that it has sent is the particular unease that is shown by civil society and intelligentsia of Pakistan. As the haste shown in killing the thread.
    It only hardens the convictions of the two sides like prisoner's dilemma that they cannot sort out as they see no way to sense each others truth. It is really painful.
    Newyork drill for a possible nuclear war.

    US will be hit by Nukes in 2009

    and there are a bunch of other links which i didn't want to bombard you with but you really need to take a look at this please. Some thing serious is under works and the article does have some credibility be it speculations but that's where we are heading.
    May Allah swt protect us under His shield.

    have you seen the black jack series? it sums up whole story...

    ASA wrwb, Brother

    Hope you are doing well. I just came across a thread with the name

    India Pays Baitullah Mehsud To Attack Pakistan’s Nuclear Sites, Plan Deployed

    and I found it closed. There is a point in that article about which I have got some interesting and worrisome information. The point is;

    6. Depending on the aftermath, and after a few days or weeks, a small nuclear weapon is used somewhere, maybe against the US military or NATO bases in Afghanistan since it would be difficult to do it anywhere else, in order to confirm that the Afghan Taliban or generally the ‘Islamic extremists’ managed to steal a weapon from the earlier attack(s) on Pakistani sites.

    Well, according to my research, there would be another false flag operation like 9/11 and they would blame Pakistan this time and this attack would rather take place in the US or UK. There are some evidences to ponder upon.

    Continued...on next post
    Hmm, must be a different video. what did the video show? I am assuming this is the video in which three pak soldier bodies were returned in flags - it didnt show any surrendered soldiers from what i recall. it was a truce in which pak soldiers came and took back the bodies. it was nothing to do with POWs
    Is that the Kargil exchange of dead? It is a true video - what exactly did you find fake about that video?
    Hey bud, you've been doing a tremendously good job on the forums. Keep up the good work ;) Please add me as a friend.

    why i m unable to access private messages.
    following message appears
    Nomi965, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

    1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
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    No. I have been there though. It is somewhat of a joke. I am from the American "Rub' al Khali". I was born and lived in the deserts of the American West, but I have lived in Saudi Arabia when I was in the USAF. It was a pleasure to know and hunt with falcons with my Arab comrades.

    I wanted to say it for the longest time---I look at the way you write---and I wish I had the ability to do the same. MK
    What you think meaning of agnostic, i think there is no agnosticism is allowed in islam.Please clarify if you dont mind

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