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AgNoStiC MuSliM

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  • This is not tit-for-tat. I don't know that that means. I am starting an new thread with articles about balochistan that have not been posted before.
    Sir, what is tit-for-tat threads? I think the atrocities of PA in Balochistan deserve to be highlighted.

    Several of the articles and videos posted in the Indian thread have also been posted before, why are they being allowed?
    Say ! I have a small request..
    Why dont you make a sticky thread called as "India Bashing" for Bangladeshi members to post Flame baiting articles on India, regardless of the date( I saw one thread startted by an article dated 2004 and it ran for 8 pages before someone decided to take action). I am sure Jana wil have a nice time in that particular thread. Indian members too can retaliate with their own versions of these articles in that thread. Make that a sticky thread and make that a policy of this site. I am not being sarcastic buddy. Check the most hottest threads.. I am tempted to reply to all. and it takes a bit of effort to prevent that.
    Ok. Could you please do something about shchinese? He keeps trolling India-related threads with off-topic comments. It is very provocative and irritating.
    hey .. there i am back... can you please do somthing about this shchinese.. i seriously dont want to react to his posts as i know i would be blacklisted again . i came to this forum for meaning discussuion.. infact most sound minded indians who come to this forum know that they have to behave otherwise we would be the first people to be thrown out ... but he is really being provocative .. i seriously hope you do something about this guy .. adios

    Its shameful and sad and reflects about your country -"tolerance of Ideas"
    You delleted my post about Bangladesh
    Thank you very much AM. This is an honor, though I'm not sure I deserve it. I always enjoy reading your posts and learning from you, even the arguments we have are constructive. I'm not sure I can offer you the same.
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