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AgNoStiC MuSliM

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  • No I have never intended it to be a flame. I am trying to fashion a Indo Pak friendship mindset through most of my posts.
    super mod,

    I posted a story as Shining example of Indo Pak love that has been maliciously mis titled Kashmiri love. If you wish me to stick around and contribute I request you to revert the title to what it was.
    I'm not sure what you mean by trolling. My posts have been quite sweet in comparison with a lot of the stuff I read here, and none of those merit permanent banishment in any case. In any case, I'm not interested in arguing with you. Its your forum and you make the rules. No need to justify anything to me.
    What is it with you people? Last time it was for apparently using a Pakistani flag. Jeez...forgive me for not changing the default options on my bloody profile.
    Now please, I have some important discussions with Lamayuru. So leave me alone and I'll leave you guys alone.
    i ll Take care of it in future. Being just one week old in the forum would need a lot of support and guidance from you so that I do not hurt the sentiments of people.. My intentions are not trolling neither I intend to do so. But if my actions cause the same sir you can go ahead and ban me.. because i do not want more hatred to be spilled over and me being the culprit.
    ok...ur point seems to be valid next time i'll go for it...buuuuuut while i post paksitan success like that of 1965 and etc....in which indians r going down...i hope u have no problem....reply asap!!!!!!
    Sir i want to know how to use Thanks Button, i mean i don't know where it is located..
    Please sir guide me in this regard.
    So because my nation is accused of instigating the insurgency (which is patently false), then I should not post the atrocities? By that logic, considering that Pakistan herself acknowledges stoking insurgency in Kashmir, nobody should be allowed to post anything regarding Kashmir on this site.

    I am not spreading propaganda, but simply the facts which are reported in media, video journalism and human rights organizations in Pakistan and outside Pakistan.

    If you do not want me to do so, then please be honest and admit that this website wishes to ignore and brush under the carpet, the heinous crimes committed every day in Balochistan by Pakistani Army, Police, and intelligence agencies. If you are willing to do that, I will be satisfied.
    Sir, there are several threads on Kashmir also. Infact, there is a whole sub-forum dedicated to the "Kashmir War (of "freedom" presumably"). I am deeply concerned about my Balochi brothers, whose plight I understand and I wish to help them by highlighting the atrocities and human rights abuses by Pakistani forces.

    Am I allowed to do that here? If I am not, then please be clear about it, but if you pretend to be neutral forum and then encourage anti-India articles, then it is just pretension not truth.
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