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AgNoStiC MuSliM

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  • I apologize for my fellow countrymen - don't think that Turks don't recognize PK friendship, my dude - there is too much heat atm - too many trolls, unfair moderation - I think a lot of them are also young - they can't stand the political environment against turkey atm etc.. please don't take it personally :)
    I hope you have also given the other guys a warning. Insults are a two way street.
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    The forum staff expects users to report posts that ‘abuse religion and nation’. It has nothing to do with ‘accepting abuse’ - the forum has rules and moderators to address abuse. Responding to abuse in kind only damages the forum and will not be tolerated.
    The mods are also expected to intervene and be proactive. Doesn't happen nearly enough. Only reacting to reported abuse can also lead to mistakes. Just because someone reports a post doesn't necessarily mean it is a justified report. Some members might report a post where the abuse never started, but was rather a reaction to the initial abuse.
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    Moderators volunteer their time ... we do what we can when we can. We don’t have the time or inclination to be proactive in every thread. This is where members who agree to the forum rules when joining the forum have to play their part and post responsibly and follow the rules instead of helping ruin the forum.
    I had just written up a reply when that thread was closed. Nevermind, I agree with most of your perception on this matter anyway. Cheers.
    You banned me on a thread because I did not agree to your narrative?- No worries-I still stand by what I believe- Reported.
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    I thread banned you for trolling. You can believe what you want, but you're not getting a platform for spewing lies and dishonesty and then trolling the moderators for pointing it out.

    sir MR gandhi ji directed me to you when i asked him about the procedure of giving +/- ive ratings and also of the promotions
    can u shed light on it .thanks
    P@ki land = Pakistan same thing? Didn't mean it as an insult. While I was in the UK, Friends use to say going back to **** land. I figured it was okay. Hope no offence was taken.
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    P@ki is like the n-word for African's - Pakistanis can use it, not other people. It is considered a racial slur when non-Pakistanis use it
    This is regarding the member AfrazulMandal He is spreading anti-hindu posts and when someone posts Court judgements he is reporting the posts as Islamophobia.

    Can I report his posts as Hinduphobia
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    He is not spam reporting. I have maybe one reported post from him on the thread. Additionally, the issue was not the court judgement but the generalization about Muslims made in the post. Finally, just because a post is reported doesn't mean action will be taken. It is at moderator discretion to make a judgment call.
    I clearly mentioned on topic that Ahmedi's are provided free run to give thier views here but if some one responds, he faces harsh comments and blame game. I have never attacked Ahmedi beliefs but have full rights to defend true Muslim beliefs as mentioned by the constitution of Pakistan and supported by all sects of Islam.
    ''If you say these FACTS; you become SECTARIAN on PDF....We need some clear rules on this'' Thks for your comments on this thread but it is injustice to close thread without getting response as now I am unable to give my response there.
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    I'll open a PM with you and you can explain what you mean. Sometimes such discussions are better done privately.
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