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AgNoStiC MuSliM

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  • If you are the same guy I think you are, we were both on the WAB forum as well....damn, we go back a ways! good to see you again. we are both getting old. I am 63 now!
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    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    Lol. Yes, same guy from WAB. I enjoyed my time there. It’s too bad WAB has slowed down so much. And you have me beat by a few decades
    Sir the painting on your twitter profile, with inscription Khol Aankh zara, where did you come across that?
    Hi dear

    While listening to Quran on YouTube I found this :
    Sheikh Abdelbaset abdulsamad in Pakistan

    Every time I listen to this I found tears going down from my eyes


    This was an Egyptian....and those surrounding him are Pakistanis.... I hope this become something usual again
    Thank you. I owe you one.
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    No worries. Positive and negative ratings are obviously subjective and based on the views of the members who are able to issue them. They are not warnings from the forum staff. Just mention any issues to the me or any other forum staff. Like I said, emotions are running high right now.
    Sekhon Rafiqui
    Sekhon Rafiqui
    Thanks again. I will try and keep a cooler head too. ;)
    So, what happened to last week's thread on Israel and Pakistan?
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    Don't know. Haven't visited it in a while. I'll check
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    Looks like it was 'removed from public view', possibly because the majority of the sources were Indian. I know you posted the original Israeli source. I'll mention it in the admin group to see if it can be restored.
    Apparently The Eagle doesn't like my comments.
    Hey Mate, how you doing ? :-)
    You also to get out of the 9-5 Rut lol :-) entrepreneur yeah ? make your own hours and stuff, but i guess own business needs more input
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    Yeah, you get out of the 9-5 rut but with your own business you also have to be prepared for 25/7 availability if needed. Pros and cons of both but it's nice to not have a boss :D
    some say customers become your boss.how true is that ?
    My speculation - which I didn't get a chance to post - is that the terror part of this trade war need not be a Pakistani GOVERNMENT initiative but could be that of one of the terror groups that previously benefited from the truck transit trade.
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    That I can agree with. The various terrorist/militant groups active in Afghanistan derive significant amounts of funding from controlling and extorting ground transport operators.
    Re: trade war. Sadly, the terror attacks aimed at air transport personnel can serve as confirmation that the import ban by Pakistan is part of a trade war against Afghanistan, to suppress its exports. Note I didn't post anything about a trade war until the substantiation you asked for existed.
    Sallam Sir,
    Is it safe to assume that we have got you back? :)
    Will look forward for some inputs and feedback from you out there on different threads.
    Hey AM, long time. Not sure if PMs are allowed on this site any more but I just checked in to see how you were doing.
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    Doing fine thanks. I don't think PM's are, but wall posts seem to be working. Have you been 'corrupted' and 'gobbled up by the pit of fevered jingoism' that is so common on the web wherever Indians and Pakistanis congregate :D
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