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Saudi Arabia detains 10 princes, dozens of former ministers


Jun 28, 2012
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Saudi Arabia

audi Arabia has detained 10 princes and dozens of former ministers through its newly formed anti-corruption committee, Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV reported Saturday, citing unnamed sources.

The new committee, headed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, was formed by royal decree hours earlier on Saturday.

Meanwhile, Saudi King Salman on Saturday sacked three senior state officials, the latest in a series of shake-ups in the world's top oil exporter.

Salman relieved Prince Moteib bin Abdullah of his post as minister of the National Guard, replacing him with Khaled bin Ayaf, the official Saudi news agency SPA reported.

Minister of Economy and Planning Adel al-Faqieh was replaced by Mohammed al-Tuwaijri, SPA said, quoting a royal decree.

Commander of the Saudi Navy, Abdullah al-Sultan, was replaced with Fahad al-Ghafli.

No official explanation was given for the sackings.

In recent months, the Saudi monarch has carried out a string of reshuffles appointing young people in senior state posts.


Well done MBS, that's what we really need.
@Sharif al-Hijaz
What happened to your beloved investor?

My beloved? I don't care about him nor do I like him in particular. I once mentioned his father as a person that back then (1970's) should have had a bigger say but that is all.

Very well. MbS needs to solidify his future reign and to cement his power in order for all the promising projects and changes not to be challenged from within. Any prince, cleric or whatever who tries to undermine this absolute key transition, should be treated as nothing else than an enemy of the state and people.

MbS has the full backing of 80% of the population. Not since King Faisal has a person had such a big support. We will not allow the plans to be threatened by insiders or outsiders.

Similarly a few radical clerics and other troublemakers were dealt with in the middle of September.

I am a big, big fan.

Some changes are simply necessary to occur by force in our part of the world and in times like that otherwise chaos is a possibility which will be counterproductive.

If just Saudi Vision 2030 succeeds partially (not talking about all the other groundbreaking and promising projects) in 1-2 decades (if not much less) most people will thank MbS for what he did 24/7.

Insha'Allah MbS will succeed.

Watch King Salman abdicate before he dies to avoid a new monarch removing MbS.

Good going. I think I'll grow to like this guy. A first for myself. One more thing, what's the take on the wretched 'muttawas' and their godafather(s) the clerics?????
Lakh di desiyon
Arabi phir do qadam insaaf me agay hain

My beloved? I don't care about him nor do I like him in particular. I once mentioned his father as a person that back then (1970's) should have had a bigger say but that is all.

Very well. MbS needs to solidly his reign and to cement his power in order for all the promising projects and changes not to be challenged from within. Any prince, cleric or whatever who tries to undermine this absolute key transition, should be treated as nothing else than an enemy of the state and people.

MbS has the full backing of 80% of the population. Not since King Faisal has a person had such a big support. We will not allow the plans to be threatened by insiders or outsiders.

Similarly a few radical clerics and other troublemakers were dealt with in the middle of September.

I am a big, big fan.

Some changes are simply necessary to occur by force in our part of the world and in times like that otherwise chaos is a possibility which will be counterproductive.

If anything close to the plan succeeds, in 1-2 decades (if not much less) most people will thank MbS for what he did 24/7.

Insha'Allah MbS will succeed.
Ok, but if i'm not wrong you told us that he is the main investor of a mega project in KSA. BTW, i just got curious what happened to him all of a sudden!

the billionaire prince Alwaleed bin Talal got caught too, PERFECT

The state should seize all his assets home and abroad and exile him if he will be proven guilty. That's almost 20 billion dollars alone.

Happy to see Tuweijri on that list. Long overdue.

Mutaib's little project "National Guard" also needed to be terminated. We can't have a second army (basically), armed better than most regional countries moreover, operate as (potentially) a separate entity with loyalties to Mutaib and not the head of state. Two rival factions, often competing with each other or undermining each other, should not be allowed. Been saying this a few times before.

Good going. I think I'll grow to like this guy. A first for myself. One more thing, what's the take on the wretched 'muttawas' and their godafather(s) the clerics?????

You have been sleeping for the past 1 year my friend. The religious policy lost their arresting powers long ago and they have basically been rendered useful. Nowadays they are reduced to voluntary preachers (many are ex-convicts who have seen the "light") who at times recommend people in malls, markets and elsewhere to dress like that or this etc. You know the drill. Even when they had arresting powers most people used to tell them to GTFO, women included, which has been filmed many times. They have basically lost most of their autonomy too of course.

The few (most vocal troublemakers within the clerics) have mostly been dealt with as well. Most recently in the middle of September this year.

I suggest checking this thread below out. Just read the first post that I wrote:


Ok, but if i'm not wrong you told us that he is the main investor of a mega project in KSA. BTW, i just got curious what happened to him all of a sudden!

What? He is not an investor of any state-approved project in KSA. He is not even a part of the government. He has his own personal projects in KSA but that is it.

BTW we are not talking about death sentences, exiles or anything else. I assume that people caught for corruption or for trying to undermine MbS (the state basically) due to personal interests or disagreements will be dealt with. Some of those people can most likely be "reformed" in this regard after spending some time in jail or house arrest. For instance I expect Al-Waleed to return eventually.

@Arabi @mohammad45 's comment actually made me realize that Al-Waleed was one of the main investors in the "Jeddah Tower" project. The 1 km tall skyscraper and city being built near Jeddah.


I assume that this will continue unharmed even if Al-Waleed would spend some time in jail or house arrest? Similar with other projects that he is involved with.

Anyway a bit surprised to see Al-Waleed here. Not more than 10 days ago that he gave this interview where he supported MbS's reforms openly.

Must be corruption as he has spoken about many of the issues that MbS has embarked on changing/has changed for quite a few years.

Disappointing whatever you can say about his personality. He is a clever and successful person. This is undeniable. Such people should be assets and not the opposite. Anyway we will know more soon or eventually at least.
He's such a creepy looking guy


and he's married to a person young enough to be his daughter

He is actually just 25% Saudi Arabian (paternal grandfather). His paternal grandmother was Armenian while his mother was a daughter of Sunni Arab Lebanese (prominent family). Still 75% Arab of course and family/paternal lineage is the most important thing in Arab culture. We are not Jews in this regard.:lol:

I lost much for him the day he divorced this Saudi Arabian beauty;

If I was 10 years older I would be at work right now to court her.

Why did people love King Faisal?

Because he was a good, effective, charismatic and compassionate ruler who did a lot for KSA on numerous fronts. He was respected across the Muslim and Arab world as well. Even in the West.

His reign ended too soon unfortunately as KSA would have been a different country had he not been assassinated.

Compared to his useless predecessor (King Saud) who was better at making children than anything else, he was almost God sent .

One just need to look at how the son's AND daughters of King Faisal and other relatives have performed and those of King Saud who have basically been sidelined for a good reason.

Worst kings in KSA history IMO (King Saud and King Fahd).
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Princes and former ministers detained in corruption probe

The committee announced that it is reopening the file of the 2009 Jeddah floods and investigating the Corona virus. (Al Arabiya)
Staff writer, Al Arabiya EnglishSunday, 5 November 2017
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Eleven princes, four sitting ministers and ‘tens’ of former ministers have been arrested on orders from the new anti-corruption committee headed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Saturday evening according to sources.

The committee announced that it is reopening the file of the 2009 Jeddah floods and investigating the Corona virus issue also known as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus.

According to a Royal Decree issued by King Salman on Saturday the anti-corruption committee is chaired by the Crown Prince with the membership of: Chairman of the Monitoring and Investigation Commission, Chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Authority, Chief of the General Audit Bureau, Attorney General and Head of State Security.

The committee has the right to investigate, arrest, ban from travel, freeze accounts and portfolios, track funds and assets of individuals involved in corruption practices.

King Salman said in his decree that in view of what was noticed of exploitation by some to, illicitly accrue money the committee was formed to eliminate the issue.

Last Update: Sunday, 5 November 2017 KSA 00:57 - GMT 21:57
Because he was a good, effective, charismatic and compassionate ruler who did a lot for KSA on numerous fronts. He was respected across the Muslim and Arab world as well. Even in the West.

I need to read up on him.

He is actually just 25% Saudi Arabian (paternal grandfather). His paternal grandmother was Armenian while his mother was a daughter of Sunni Arab Lebanese (prominent family). Still 75% Arab of course and family/paternal lineage is the most important thing in Arab culture. We are not Jews in this regard.:lol:

Intersting. I saw a picture of him years ago and got this visceral gut-feeling of disgust.

I lost much for him the day he divorced this Saudi Arabian beauty;

Is she Saudi? She kinda looks like this girl

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