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Ofcourse you were...and what are your common interests with the Afghanistani people?

I already explained it in my earlier post. We have been neighbors for millennia.

Till you cut off and got created in between.

They need help. I'm not saying you cannot help. You are right there. No one can stop you.

But so can we.

Cheers, Doc
In my post , I mean Pakistanis "criminals/Partners" and Lovers or sympathisers of Afghanis. Clean Pakistan slogan is what we need , but under that start cleaning Pakistan from Aghanis (they are not Pakistanis) First , And we can clean our own masssssssssss any time(but clean that which involved with Afganis ).

i see so much resemblance between what you want and what Pauline Hanson wants which is basically punishing everyone for the crimes of the few.

The problem is *NOT* Afghans, it is the Afghan Army. We need to start slowly taking over Afghan areas, secure them, move forward. This is the *ONLY* way to achieve peace.

agreed 100%
Unless I am mistaken, you are talking about invading a neighboring sovereign country.

Bigger powers like China have found that more than they can chew.

Cheers, Doc

Here are some important points for your information

1. Afghanistan doesn't accept Durrand Line
2. Afghanistan demands the merger of all Pukhtoon lands
3. There are more Pukhtoons in Pakistan than the whole population of Afghanistan.

So basically i am agreeing with the demands of Afghanistan by rejecting Durrand line and favouring of the merger, just that since I am a Pukhtoon and a Pakistani i want Afghanistan to be merged into Pakistan.
Here are some important points for your information

1. Afghanistan doesn't accept Durrand Line
2. Afghanistan demands the merger of all Pukhtoon lands
3. There are more Pukhtoons in Pakistan than the whole population of Afghanistan.

So basically i am agreeing with the demands of Afghanistan by rejecting Durrand line and favouring of the merger, just that since I am a Pukhtoon and a Pakistani i want Afghanistan to be merged into Pakistan.

To be honest, the line is there and is drawn.

Sure Pakistan can and does raid into Afghan territory.

But redrawing the line is something you do not have the size and muscle for.

Cheers, Doc
Here are some important points for your information

1. Afghanistan doesn't accept Durrand Line
2. Afghanistan demands the merger of all Pukhtoon lands
3. There are more Pukhtoons in Pakistan than the whole population of Afghanistan.

So basically i am agreeing with the demands of Afghanistan by rejecting Durrand line and favouring of the merger, just that since I am a Pukhtoon and a Pakistani i want Afghanistan to be merged into Pakistan.

I agree with you that Afghanistan and Pakistan should unite one day.

Since you are Pashtun, it presents me with the opportunity of actually having a meaningful dialog from which I can learn rather than just make a few perfunctory posts about our increasing presence there as a friendly reminder to you and move on.

See Punjab and Sindh partition had Hindu And Muslim as the two sides.

But was not what happened or what was done to the Pashtun and Baloch people inherently incomprehensible?

Same blood. Culture. Tribes. Traditions. History. AND faith.

On what basis then were you partitioned?

Balochistan either belongs to Iran or if they do decide, on their own.

As do the Pashtun.

Do remember it's 1947 we are talking about.

Not today after significant Punjabification of both your populaces. Culturally. Linguistically. Politically.

This I believe is the fresh wound and the impacted thorn still in your sides.

Can you explain?

It won't be a debate since I'm from far away. Ive had this convo with Jana, with Taimi, with fauji Desert as well, so I'd simply like to hear your views.

Cheers, Doc
Can't blame only Afghanis , it joint venture of Pakistani and Afghanis.

Since you are Pashtun, it presents me with the opportunity of actually having a meaningful dialog from which I can learn rather than just make a few perfunctory posts about our increasing presence there as a friendly reminder to you and move on.

See Punjab and Sindh partition had Hindu And Muslim as the two sides.

But was not what happened or what was done to the Pashtun and Baloch people inherently incomprehensible?

Same blood. Culture. Tribes. Traditions. History. AND faith.

On what basis then were you partitioned?

Balochistan either belongs to Iran or if they do decide, on their own.

As do the Pashtun.

Do remember it's 1947 we are talking about.

Not today after significant Punjabification of both your populaces. Culturally. Linguistically. Politically.

This I believe is the fresh wound and the impacted thorn still in your sides.

Can you explain?

It won't be a debate since I'm from far away. Ive had this convo with Jana, with Taimi, with fauji Desert as well, so I'd simply like to hear your views.

Cheers, Doc
What do you mean by Punjabification? Everyone in Pakistan speaks Urdu. Nobody speaks Punjabi.
To be honest, the line is there and is drawn.

Sure Pakistan can and does raid into Afghan territory.

But redrawing the line is something you do not have the size and muscle for.

Cheers, Doc

You underestimate us. As i said there are more Pukhtoons in Pakistan than the whole population of Afghanistan. So we do have the size and the muscle.
Can't blame only Afghanis , it joint venture of Pakistani and Afghanis.
You are right to a certain extent, the relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan is a two way street.

You underestimate us. As i said there are more Pukhtoons in Pakistan than the whole population of Afghanistan. So we do have the size and the muscle.
Excellent point you have made there. :D
You are right to a certain extent, the relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan is a two way street.

Excellent point you have made there. :D
It's our airport and our security. Imagine security breaches even after so many terrorist attack. Where our security apparatus is standing ... its a big shame
Hello All,
Any one
remember Boing + Narcotics + PIA + London Heathrow ???? If not please refresh your memory .

Now , After investigation both sides (UK + PAK) find out its Afghanis .. Yes those namak haram , again did this and bring bad name for Pakistan.
Not only That ,, How Many of you remember Theft at Ahmad Fraz House ???
e Belongings Of great Pakistani Poet is on sale in Kabul , Again these namak haram , haram khur Afghanis did that,

Watch last 10 minutes..................................................... I am speechless .

Time have come , Kick them all out , kick these namak haram out of Pakistan , Fence the fking Border , Mine it , Trench it, ................. Enough is Enough

@django , @Zibago , @Verve , @Arsalan , @Path-Finder , @DESERT FIGHTER , @PaklovesTurkiye , @Ulla , @MastanKhan
Still Pakistanis named all there missiles on names of Afghani kings like Babur,Ghori,Ghazni etc...
Still Pakistanis named all there missiles on names of Afghani kings like Babur,Ghori,Ghazni etc...
Most Afghanistanis have good relationship with Pakistanis because of shared religion and culture.
Its just a few bad apples on both sides of the Durand line.

Since you are Pashtun, it presents me with the opportunity of actually having a meaningful dialog from which I can learn rather than just make a few perfunctory posts about our increasing presence there as a friendly reminder to you and move on.

See Punjab and Sindh partition had Hindu And Muslim as the two sides.

But was not what happened or what was done to the Pashtun and Baloch people inherently incomprehensible?

Same blood. Culture. Tribes. Traditions. History. AND faith.

On what basis then were you partitioned?

Balochistan either belongs to Iran or if they do decide, on their own.

As do the Pashtun.

Do remember it's 1947 we are talking about.

Not today after significant Punjabification of both your populaces. Culturally. Linguistically. Politically.

This I believe is the fresh wound and the impacted thorn still in your sides.

Can you explain?

It won't be a debate since I'm from far away. Ive had this convo with Jana, with Taimi, with fauji Desert as well, so I'd simply like to hear your views.

Cheers, Doc

First i would like to applaud your quest for knowledge.

This is a very long topic, i will try to summarize as best i can and break the discussion into to parts. Pukhtoons and Balochis.

NWFP (now known as KPK) was conquered by the Sikh in the early 1800s and became part of Punjab after that the British conquered it and were under their control for almost 2 centuries. During this time we got acclimated as part of British India. And when the referendum was called for Partition, the Pukhtoons voted to join Pakistan. And now 70 years as part of Pakistan KPK has prospered significantly mean while Afghanistan has gone from bad to worse. So basically we choose to be part of Pakistan and weren't forced into joining.

As for FATA joining Pakistan as it wasn't really part of British India. The Jirga had decided to join Pakistan instead of Afghanistan.

Secondly Pukhtoons have not been punjabified. we have been urdufied. Pukhtoons have now totally integrated as part of Pakistani fabric. There are more Pukhtoons in Karachi than any other city in the whole world. We are happy because we do not get discriminated against and thats why you will find Pukhtoons in every field from military to sports.

Its the similar situation with Balochis, majority of Balochistan except the Princely state of Kalat had voted to join Pakistan. The map below shows the Princely state of Kalat (RED) with-in Balochistan


Now after almost 70 years Balochis have integrated into Pakistan but they havn't had the same opportunities to grow as NWFP due to their corrupt Sardars and incompetent/visionless leaders of Pakistan, but thats a discussion for another day.

As for your statement that Balochistan should be part of Iran, i do not agree and the reasons that Pakistan has twice as much land of Balochistan (347,190 km²) compared to the Irani state of Sistan & Baluchestan (181,785 km²) and Iran itself is facing issues of Balochis wanting independence. Also even Afghanistan has a small territory of Balochistan (Province of Nimruz, Southern Helmend and Southern Kandahar).

Hope that helps with your quest to understanding the situation.

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