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China says India building up troops amid border stand off

I wouldn't underestimate China. they are hungry to prove they are a superpower. just curious how many troops they can bring in sustain, and the kinda equipment they'll be using. looking at google maps Doklam and the terrain looks very unfavorable to China and India. we are going to see Chinese logistics and how they stack up compared to U.S

We certainly want to prove to India that their defend treaty with Bhutan is just a worthless toilet paper and a lesson for US at the same time regarding their Taiwan treaty, when time is come to settle some score, we will make it happen.

as usual, Indian thought they are number 2 in the world besides USA.

How can you take them seriously? the best these Indians can come with is to say that China lack the ball to smack them but their foreign minster is crying for US protection at the same time....so hilarious :rofl:
After like the n'th warning there is literally no element of surprise left.
If China was going to attack it would have already, we have the advantage of terrain and the chinese know this.
But china can keep warning/crying not that it makes any difference.
IA and the Indian govt is not going to move from Bhutan until China relents. That's just fact.
Nope!..Troops are still where they should be...you read again...Try building your illegal road..there are 400 troops there..so no you cant build any shit for now...In the meantime you can start doing what you guys do best WARNING...WARNING...WARNING..what a bunch of cowards.lol!
Of course bro, nobody is saying there are no troops, there are 40 troops there at the end of July. 360 in Indian border, nobody is lying. Not sure why you are so sensitive on whether there is 400 or 40 makes no difference to China. I know it's shameful India is giving in, but to China it is still not acceptable.
After like the n'th warning there is literally no element of surprise left.
If China was going to attack it would have already, we have the advantage of terrain and the chinese know this.
But china can keep warning/crying not that it makes any difference.
IA and the Indian govt is not going to move from Bhutan until China relents. That's just fact.

You just make claim that you have advantage of the terrain but your foreign minster was so scare and begging US. Soon or later China will lift Bhutan's curse from India and it shall be a free nation like Nepal.
Wow China went too far now. India needs to publish a 30 page document of their own to fight them. Murderer Modi and Ajit Devil must start typing now!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Asked about China’s claim of India reducing its troops from 400 to 40 in Doklam, he said refused to give a direct reply calling it an operational matter.



Nope!..Troops are still where they should be...you read again...Try building your illegal road..there are 400 troops there..so no you cant build any shit for now...In the meantime you can start doing what you guys do best WARNING...WARNING...WARNING..what a bunch of cowards.lol!

So as per "Fake News".."India withdraw troops from doklam"....whats stopping your illegal construction...is the mighty Dragon scared?
Asked about China’s claim of India reducing its troops from 400 to 40 in Doklam, he said refused to give a direct reply calling it an operational matter.


Not sure you understand the scale of this war. You assume what you have there is enough, Chinese don't think that way. It is going to be a long and demanding war, we bringing in much much more than you can imagine. :enjoy:

Sure, look at how Indians respect the border, you can violate borders and interfere on behalf of another country and we cannot? When there is war, you think the Pakistanis think about this? It's survival of the fittest.

Yah, and look at where this diplomacy got India into? Pakistan shelling you, Bangladesh shell a few hundred Indians. Nepal and SL looking for China to balance you. Americans using you as a puppet. Great diplomacy indeed. Are you sure we are not trained nor practiced for mountain warfare? How can you assume such a thing...we have the money, the soldiers, and conveniently we don't train for mountain warfare? If that's the case, take back Aksai Chin. Do you Indians actually have common sense.

Are you sure our ammunitions are only stored in plains? We have more money, better equipment and logistics and better planning. So we are just gonna be stupid and let you have 'mountain warfare advantage'? Just using our new HALE drones we can kill you from far away and target your artillery, You have light artillery yet?:rofl: Even your spy sats are not full time monitoring, we have 30 over spy sats with real time monitoring.

We have settled every single land border except for India/Bhutan. We were supposed to settle the Bhutanese land border until you tried to act funny. You are the one against peace not us.

Yup, you don't need too, but your media said you did and there is no denial. So what does this mean? Someone was lying right? Chinese statement did not state how many troops they have there because we will never reveal our troop numbers, but we know exactly how many Indians there are. This is a statement against India, whats the point we tell the world how many soldiers we have there. If we tell the world we have 5000 soldiers against 40, what do you think the world will think? Why should we lie? 40 - 400 does not matter, it's still invading Chinese territory. Indian troop reduction is actually deescalating the situation, we are giving you credit for deescalation.:enjoy:

You have been proven to have the most stupid reasoning ever. That is why I tell you to go to Pakistanis and learn one or two about mountain warfare.

Amassing huge amount of forces and driving them through ravines and valleys are easy targets for ambush. That is why the officers commanding the front lines in small groups have much more autonomy. But you people are still stuck with WW2 mentality where there are tanks rolling down the plains.

You have heard about Kargil war right. Ask how Pakistanis brought in weapons and once they got dug in they masacarred the Indian army which reluctantly later on brought in air force.

Above all once you have started spewing out bull crap I do not think it is worth wasting my time trying to educate you.
You have been proven to have the most stupid reasoning ever. That is why I tell you to go to Pakistanis and learn one or two about mountain warfare.

Amassing huge amount of forces and driving them through ravines and valleys are easy targets for ambush. That is why the officers commanding the front lines in small groups have much more autonomy. But you people are still stuck with WW2 mentality where there are tanks rolling down the plains.
Funny, how it is the Indians who are claiming they are in superior numbers not the Chinese. One Indian media said they outnumber Chinese 3 to 1. :lol:. Did I saw numbers will win this war? Technology will, HALE, LIGHT HOWITZERS, REAL TIME SATELLITE MONITORING, PRECISION MUNITIONS, HIGH ALTITUDE HELICOPTERS. These are the gamechangers.

You have heard about Kargil war right. Ask how Pakistanis brought in weapons and once they got dug in they masacarred the Indian army which reluctantly later on brought in air force.

Above all once you have started spewing out bull crap I do not think it is worth wasting my time trying to educate you.
Yah, according to official sources, they killed more Indian troops and downed an Indian plane. :rofl:. After US brokered a Pakistani retreat, did India do anything? The end results is more dead Jawans and return to status quo, see how deep they penetrated into India.


Asked about China’s claim of India reducing its troops from 400 to 40 in Doklam, he saidrefused to give a direct reply calling it an operational matter.


You just make claim that you have advantage of the terrain but your foreign minster was so scare and begging US. Soon or later China will lift Bhutan's curse from India and it shall be a free nation like Nepal.

Oh please our FM has been reiterating India-US cooperation for years long long before china perpetrated on Bhutanese territory. You are just reading into things a classic chinese habit.
Unlike your FM who actually lied publicly to your populace about Indian officials accepting China's rhetoric even though no such thing happened.
If that isn't fear I don't know what is.

And when you do free the subcontinent of "Indian hegemony" maybe congratulate yourself then.
However untill you do, everyday we are in "your territory" china loses face and we look like we are defending a small country a fraction of china's size.
Free like when Nepal like pakistan and Sri Lanka realise the wonders of chinese debt trap policy?

Cute Chinese warnings be like..........
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Oh please our FM has been reiterating India-US cooperation for years long long before china perpetrated on Bhutanese territory. You are just reading into things a classic chinese habit.
Unlike your FM who actually lied publicly to your populace about Indian officials accepting China's rhetoric even though no such thing happened.
If that isn't fear I don't know what is.

And when you do free the subcontinent of "Indian hegemony" maybe congratulate yourself then.
However untill you do, everyday we are in "your territory" china loses face and we look like we are defending a small country a fraction of china's size.
Free like when Nepal like pakistan and Sri Lanka realise the wonders of chinese debt trap policy?

your FM is just a joke, she has chosen this sensitive moment beg US for support and hope that US stand behind India over Dorklam affaire, how much India want to humiliate itself by begging foreign power. I can ignore when Indian forumner are begging but come from you Indian official, your nation is just become a joke to me, no nations such BD, Sri Lanka, Nepal will take India seriously as powerful nation, if India can't even stand on it own feet, you expect other will respect it? :lol:
Asked about China’s claim of India reducing its troops from 400 to 40 in Doklam, he said refused to give a direct reply calling it an operational matter.



Asked about China’s claim of India reducing its troops from 400 to 40 in Doklam, he said refused to give a direct reply calling it an operational matter.


The actual numbers were provided my your media/CCP controlled media. When asked for e response...a direct response was not given so!...whats your point. You guys made the point on the numbers not GOI....! So when are you guys going to start the war?
The chinese paper globaltimes has released the proof of indian troops near the border, below is the photo.

Of course bro, nobody is saying there are no troops, there are 40 troops there at the end of July. 360 in Indian border, nobody is lying. Not sure why you are so sensitive on whether there is 400 or 40 makes no difference to China. I know it's shameful India is giving in, but to China it is still not acceptable.
Ha!..I now see what the confusion is .... In total India has 400 troops on Indian and Bhutan border (40 plus 360)..as per China its their land..see thats the confusion...but in the end its 400 on the land that you guys are not gonna build anything.

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