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China says India building up troops amid border stand off

Yup, you are building up troops at your side of the border and this is actually not peaceful. I see nothing wrong in this statement. It still doesn't contradict the fact that you withdrew 360+ soldiers from Doklam. :rofl:


Read the statement carefully, India retreated 360+ soldiers back to the Indian side of the border at end of July. 40 soldiers are still in Doklam. After yesterday's Indian media tirade, the Indians felt humiliated that China announced their troop reduction in DOKLAM, and hence today they are building up troops on their side of the 'BORDER' to save face again. Indians are a reactive bunch, they want to appear strong before the domestic audience. Notice India MEA did not deny any troop reduction in Doklam. Why is this build up inside India not on Doklam? This is an important question.
How many Chinese soldiers are still there facing Indian soldiers?
400 as per Indian reports.
What about Chinese reports? It was chinese report which said India reduced from 400 to 40. Indian version was 400 Indian are facing 400 chinese facing each other at a distance of 150 meter. How are chinese are there as per Chinese reports?
What about Chinese reports? It was chinese report which said India reduced from 400 to 40. Indian version was 400 Indian are facing 400 chinese facing each other at a distance of 150 meter. How are chinese are there as per Chinese reports?
Chinese reports says India reduced troops 'in Doklam' from 400 to 40. The 360+ most likely went back to the Indian side to deescalate tensions. Chinese sources did not mention the number of Chinese troops at all. Indian side was the one claiming the numbers, so this is the only source we have.
Chinese reports says India reduced troops 'in Doklam' from 400 to 40. The 360+ most likely went back to the Indian side to deescalate tensions. Chinese sources did not mention the number of Chinese troops at all. Indian side was the one claiming the numbers, so this is the only source we have.
See you have to believe one source of truth, cannot be cherry picking. Indian sources provided you both the chinese and indian numbers i.,e around 400 facing each other.
one fine day one chinese report comes claiming Indian reduced from 400 to 40 without giving any other details
Indian sources denied them claiming we are still the same number both sides.
Now tell me which sides report has more quantitative numbers? Indian report.

So either pick Indian report with 400 numbers both sides (this 400 number is validated by Chinese government)
or Chinese half baked reports without any basis.
See you have to believe one source of truth, cannot be cherry picking. Indian sources provided you both the chinese and indian numbers i.,e around 400 facing each other.
one fine day one chinese report comes claiming Indian reduced from 400 to 40 without giving any other details
Indian sources denied them claiming we are still the same number both sides.
Now tell me which sides report has more quantitative numbers? Indian report.

So either pick Indian report with 400 numbers both sides (this 400 number is validated by Chinese government)
or Chinese half baked reports without any basis.
The point is INDIA did not deny the troop reductions. Read your MEA report. That's wht I was trying to say. Chinese government will never tell you how many troops they have, they will tell you how many Indians troops there are. If you want to ask me, I will say I don't know how many Chinese troops there are, coz my government did not officially declare it.
Bro, China does not want a status quo, China wants you out or war. If you are not out, then it is war, it's only 1.5 months, can you let us mobilize our stuff first. Patience, why are you so eager to die. :rofl:

Did Aksai Chin end up as Afghanistan? Remember, you still have Pakistan, you are now pushing China to officially intervene in Kashmir.

Well you take too much time to mobilize...we have finished mobilizing it.....What is holding you up. And this is not a game of warcraft. Where some time is given for attack. Here you attack or get killed.

The RoE in a real war differs a lot from strategy game. And as I have already told China getting into Kashmir issue is a direct violation of Shimla agreement or else Pakistan would have signed a friendship treaty with you and you would have been in Kashmir already.

You people do not have a tacit nor the capability to handle modern diplomacy. Above all China knows fighting India for Pakistan will be the biggest mistake they do. All you can do is supply weapons to Pakistan. You are neither trained nor practiced mountain warfare.

You can hoard loads of ammunition and weapons in plains but mountain warfare is too different. The only country that can actually give us a challenge in the mountains are Pakistan...but we outnumber them in troops and equipment.

what you can't even read your own British master's english? so be clear, I understand exactly why they are rich, and I maintain they are still astronomically better than whatever Indian can ever come up with.

Indian are already celebrating and claiming victory because they held the place for a day longer. Chinese giving diplomacy a chance is being turn around by delusional Indian as their victory.

Uh...isnt this english that you are typing or is it some alien language...or i must have a super translator.

China is very poor in diplomacy...that is shown in the way they handle disputes. I rather put Americans above the Chinese in diplomacy. You had no success in solving any kind of dispute diplomatically. You are a Hegemony...that I can accept. You can do that with smaller countries...not with countries in Equal footing.

The point is INDIA did not deny the troop reductions. Read your MEA report. That's wht I was trying to say. Chinese government will never tell you how many troops they have, they will tell you how many Indians troops there are. If you want to ask me, I will say I don't know how many Chinese troops there are, coz my government did not officially declare it.

Well India did not deny...because there was no need to. Not every stupid remark by the CCP needs to be denied by India. If you do not know how many chinese troops are there then how can the Chinese say we have only 40? As I told PLA is either lying blatantly or cant count. I think the Latter is more possible.
Well you take too much time to mobilize...we have finished mobilizing it.....What is holding you up. And this is not a game of warcraft. Where some time is given for attack. Here you attack or get killed.
Not sure you understand the scale of this war. You assume what you have there is enough, Chinese don't think that way. It is going to be a long and demanding war, we bringing in much much more than you can imagine. :enjoy:

The RoE in a real war differs a lot from strategy game. And as I have already told China getting into Kashmir issue is a direct violation of Shimla agreement or else Pakistan would have signed a friendship treaty with you and you would have been in Kashmir already.
Sure, look at how Indians respect the border, you can violate borders and interfere on behalf of another country and we cannot? When there is war, you think the Pakistanis think about this? It's survival of the fittest.

You people do not have a tacit nor the capability to handle modern diplomacy. Above all China knows fighting India for Pakistan will be the biggest mistake they do. All you can do is supply weapons to Pakistan. You are neither trained nor practiced mountain warfare.
Yah, and look at where this diplomacy got India into? Pakistan shelling you, Bangladesh shell a few hundred Indians. Nepal and SL looking for China to balance you. Americans using you as a puppet. Great diplomacy indeed. Are you sure we are not trained nor practiced for mountain warfare? How can you assume such a thing...we have the money, the soldiers, and conveniently we don't train for mountain warfare? If that's the case, take back Aksai Chin. Do you Indians actually have common sense.

You can hoard loads of ammunition and weapons in plains but mountain warfare is too different. The only country that can actually give us a challenge in the mountains are Pakistan...but we outnumber them in troops and equipment.
Are you sure our ammunitions are only stored in plains? We have more money, better equipment and logistics and better planning. So we are just gonna be stupid and let you have 'mountain warfare advantage'? Just using our new HALE drones we can kill you from far away and target your artillery, You have light artillery yet?:rofl: Even your spy sats are not full time monitoring, we have 30 over spy sats with real time monitoring.

China is very poor in diplomacy...that is shown in the way they handle disputes. I rather put Americans above the Chinese in diplomacy. You had no success in solving any kind of dispute diplomatically. You are a Hegemony...that I can accept. You can do that with smaller countries...not with countries in Equal footing.
We have settled every single land border except for India/Bhutan. We were supposed to settle the Bhutanese land border until you tried to act funny. You are the one against peace not us.

Well India did not deny...because there was no need to. Not every stupid remark by the CCP needs to be denied by India. If you do not know how many chinese troops are there then how can the Chinese say we have only 40? As I told PLA is either lying blatantly or cant count. I think the Latter is more possible.

Yup, you don't need too, but your media said you did and there is no denial. So what does this mean? Someone was lying right? Chinese statement did not state how many troops they have there because we will never reveal our troop numbers, but we know exactly how many Indians there are. This is a statement against India, whats the point we tell the world how many soldiers we have there. If we tell the world we have 5000 soldiers against 40, what do you think the world will think? Why should we lie? 40 - 400 does not matter, it's still invading Chinese territory. Indian troop reduction is actually deescalating the situation, we are giving you credit for deescalation.:enjoy:
Read carefully>
It's within Indian border. :enjoy:. Which is exactly what I said, 400 crossed, 360 retreated, 40 left.
Nope!..Troops are still where they should be...you read again...Try building your illegal road..there are 400 troops there..so no you cant build any shit for now...In the meantime you can start doing what you guys do best WARNING...WARNING...WARNING..what a bunch of cowards.lol!

I can explain. India withdraw troops from doklam but amassed massive troops around doklam and border area. :enjoy:
So as per "Fake News".."India withdraw troops from doklam"....whats stopping your illegal construction...is the mighty Dragon scared?
Well you take too much time to mobilize...we have finished mobilizing it.....What is holding you up. And this is not a game of warcraft. Where some time is given for attack. Here you attack or get killed.

The RoE in a real war differs a lot from strategy game. And as I have already told China getting into Kashmir issue is a direct violation of Shimla agreement or else Pakistan would have signed a friendship treaty with you and you would have been in Kashmir already.

You people do not have a tacit nor the capability to handle modern diplomacy. Above all China knows fighting India for Pakistan will be the biggest mistake they do. All you can do is supply weapons to Pakistan. You are neither trained nor practiced mountain warfare.

You can hoard loads of ammunition and weapons in plains but mountain warfare is too different. The only country that can actually give us a challenge in the mountains are Pakistan...but we outnumber them in troops and equipment.

Uh...isnt this english that you are typing or is it some alien language...or i must have a super translator.

China is very poor in diplomacy...that is shown in the way they handle disputes. I rather put Americans above the Chinese in diplomacy. You had no success in solving any kind of dispute diplomatically. You are a Hegemony...that I can accept. You can do that with smaller countries...not with countries in Equal footing.

Well India did not deny...because there was no need to. Not every stupid remark by the CCP needs to be denied by India. If you do not know how many chinese troops are there then how can the Chinese say we have only 40? As I told PLA is either lying blatantly or cant count. I think the Latter is more possible.

lol, Indian talk about diplomacy. yeah, how about stop your explicit support for Tibetan terrorist first. No matter how you look at it, chinese still have much better diplomacy then Indian can ever come up with. All southeast asian countries now pivoted to China for peace and negotiation even after china lost in the court and US couldn't really do much besides roam their ship. At least china has great border relationship with its north, west, most of southwest and southern neighbors, while India is being hated by practically all its neighbors on all sides, your diplomacy is downright crappy that you are actually being hated on all sides. Chinese has 20 divisions training in Tibet plateau all year long, while not a single Indian soldier is being trained at that high altitude, so Indian will get wiped out in any high altitude war. Besides Delhi is so close to Tibet border, all Chinese needs to do is to fire hundreds of thousands short range missile and you capital will be an inferno. Yeah, so get you less than 20 ICBM missiles ready that can actually reach beijing and you can bomb tibet all you want. Having Delhi so close to Tibetan border give china a huge leverage in any conflict. Besides, with the massive Tibetan road infrastructure built, china can mobilize in days if it wants to. Just because china is giving diplomacy a chance, doesn't mean chinese construction truck won't crush you little human chain into beef paddies when all options are exhausted.
lol, Indian talk about diplomacy. yeah, how about stop your explicit support for Tibetan terrorist first. No matter how you look at it, chinese still have much better diplomacy then Indian can ever come up with. All southeast asian countries now pivoted to China for peace and negotiation even after china lost in the court and US couldn't really do much besides roam their ship. At least china has great border relationship with its north, west, most of southwest and southern neighbors, while India is being hated by practically all its neighbors on all sides, your diplomacy is downright crappy that you are actually being hated on all sides. Chinese has 20 divisions training in Tibet plateau all year long, while not a single Indian soldier is being trained at that high altitude, so Indian will get wiped out in any high altitude war. Besides Delhi is so close to Tibet border, all Chinese needs to do is to fire hundreds of thousands short range missile and you capital will be an inferno. Yeah, so get you less than 20 ICBM missiles ready that can actually reach beijing and you can bomb tibet all you want. Having Delhi so close to Tibetan border give china a huge leverage in any conflict. Besides, with the massive Tibetan road infrastructure built, china can mobilize in days if it wants to. Just because china is giving diplomacy a chance, doesn't mean chinese construction truck won't crush you little human chain into beef paddies when all options are exhausted.
Hello CPC dlone, too much propaganda spread by comolades. China's diplomacy is just down right trash. Your diplomacy has become laughing stock of the world . All that trillion dollar economy, infra doesn't command respect when your communist idiots don't behave. China is not going to be a super power , another USSR in making .
Wow China went too far now. India needs to publish a 30 page document of their own to fight them. Murderer Modi and Ajit Devil must start typing now!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Oh man, another article by CCP.

Looks like the Chinese are manufacturing newspapers for use in their guns instead of artillery shells lol

The day China use gun and artillery, Indians will claim that they're not prepare and got cheated by China as 1962 or claim that their will run out of ammo in 4 days...I think China will be glad to grant you India such wish.
The day China use gun and artillery, Indians will claim that they're not prepare and got cheated by China as 1962 or claim that their will run out of ammo in 4 days...I think China will be glad to grant you India such wish.
as usual, Indian thought they are number 2 in the world besides USA.

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