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Indian secularism

This Indian secularism that you call fake runs true for the millions of Indian Sikhs like me. It runs true for the Muslims and Christians. And for all those that are not Hindu. We love the Hindus as most of our friends are you guys and coz we believe all of us Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims are Indians first. If this isn't secularism, then what is? The pride of living in diversity.

A government comes along that is based on the ideology of Hinduism. Lynching of Muslims becomes a thing suddenly. Fake Gau-raksha encounters on Muslims becomes rampant. How do they minorities feel? There are 2 reasons I sympathise with Muslims right now. They are Indians being targetted coz of their religion. They are a minority like us. What do we make of it? Are we next?

I have never felt there is anything wrong about Hinduism. We've all grown up looking at how clean, evolved and accepting is religion is. But suddenly in these past few years, many Hindus seem to have become selfish as fk. Suddenly, they want the country to have only Hindus.
This is definitely fake secularism. But the real one is which causes the greatest institutions like the Armed Forces to run.

You've just described what every non Hindu proud Indian is beginning to feel like in India today.

Well put sardarji.

Cheers, Doc
A government comes along that is based on the ideology of Hinduism. Lynching of Muslims becomes a thing suddenly. Fake Gau-raksha encounters on Muslims becomes rampant. How do they minorities feel? There are 2 reasons I sympathise with Muslims right now. They are Indians being targetted coz of their religion. They are a minority like us. What do we make of it? Are we next?

You mean there were no lynching's of muslims before BJP came to power? May be you want to go back to last 70 years and I will show you lynching's of all communities Hindus, muslims & Sikhs happening in India.


That's a secular news paper. Read the article. What the article does not say is that the farmer is a Hindu and the cow smugglers are muslims.

let me ask you? Did anyone protest for that Hindu farmer? Do you even know his name?
Oh by the way it did not happen years or weeks back. It happened few days back.


Sorry to say this but you lot only shout on top your lungs only when muslims are killed or only when some one comments on their religion or only when they are affected.
The thousands of incidents where Hindus, Jains, Sikhs etc are at the receiving end, no one cares a damn.

You claim you are a Sikh, right? Go and read what's happening to Sikhs in Western UP & who is doing it and then come here to preach.
You mean there were no lynching's of muslims before BJP came to power? May be you want to go back to last 70 years and I will show you lynching's of all communities Hindus, muslims & Sikhs happening in India.


That's a secular news paper. Read the article. What the article does not say is that the farmer is a Hindu and the cow smugglers are muslims.

let me ask you? Did anyone protest for that Hindu farmer? Do you even know his name?
Oh by the way it did not happen years or weeks back. It happened few days back.


Sorry to say this but you lot only shout on top your lungs only when muslims are killed or only when some one comments on their religion or only when they are affected.
The thousands of incidents where Hindus, Jains, Sikhs etc are at the receiving end, no one cares a damn.

You claim you are a Sikh, right? Go and read what's happening to Sikhs in Western UP & who is doing it and then come here to preach.

You wanted a debate.

Let the other side speak.

Cheers, Doc
This Indian secularism that you call fake runs true for the millions of Indian Sikhs like me. It runs true for the Muslims and Christians. And for all those that are not Hindu. We love the Hindus as most of our friends are you guys and coz we believe all of us Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims are Indians first. If this isn't secularism, then what is? The pride of living in diversity.

A government comes along that is based on the ideology of Hinduism. Lynching of Muslims becomes a thing suddenly. Fake Gau-raksha encounters on Muslims becomes rampant. How do they minorities feel? There are 2 reasons I sympathise with Muslims right now. They are Indians being targetted coz of their religion. They are a minority like us. What do we make of it? Are we next?

I have never felt there is anything wrong about Hinduism. We've all grown up looking at how clean, evolved and accepting is religion is. But suddenly in these past few years, many Hindus seem to have become selfish as fk. Suddenly, they want the country to have only Hindus.
This is definitely fake secularism. But the real one is which causes the greatest institutions like the Armed Forces to run.

I'm sorry if this is a biased view. Surely the Hindus have also been at the receiving end many times. But the statistics, daily news, articles and shit, all point to a rise in crime against Muslims and not otherwise.

I totally understand where you are coming from but just want to know from you guys when rabid-communalism is practiced by likes of Mamtas, Mulayams and Owaisis under which rock you people hide. When illegal Bangaldeshis and Rohingyas Muslims are nurtured as vote banks under which rock you seculars hide. When police are instructed not to act against Muslims and Yadavs under which rock you people hide. Then when BJP sweeps UP and Assam you sickulars climb a mountain and cry that Oh Hindus are getting radicalized. Either you guys are blind or morons.
This Indian secularism that you call fake runs true for the millions of Indian Sikhs like me. It runs true for the Muslims and Christians. And for all those that are not Hindu. We love the Hindus as most of our friends are you guys and coz we believe all of us Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims are Indians first. If this isn't secularism, then what is? The pride of living in diversity.

A government comes along that is based on the ideology of Hinduism. Lynching of Muslims becomes a thing suddenly. Fake Gau-raksha encounters on Muslims becomes rampant. How do they minorities feel? There are 2 reasons I sympathise with Muslims right now. They are Indians being targetted coz of their religion. They are a minority like us. What do we make of it? Are we next?

I have never felt there is anything wrong about Hinduism. We've all grown up looking at how clean, evolved and accepting is religion is. But suddenly in these past few years, many Hindus seem to have become selfish as fk. Suddenly, they want the country to have only Hindus.
This is definitely fake secularism. But the real one is which causes the greatest institutions like the Armed Forces to run.

Wait for couple of decades you won't have to worry about Hindus, Christian missionaries will take care of Punjab themselves. I hope you would love that kind of diversity.
Nice story.

Did you just make that up to reinvent your credibility and respect ? :lol: ........ 8 marks for trying.

Now if we can just put aside the BS, and address your strawman.

"You sanghis are friggin rabid mad men hunting and killing Indians."

UFF ....... your crocodile tears appear almost Real.

Is this the same as "ALL Muslims are Frigging rabid mad men doing jihad and terrorism" ? :coffee:

We ARE the society and maybe you can take your own advice and start TRUSTING IT / US.

As for fighting us, we expect nothing less from the "Minorities" of India. Especially the rabid ones.

Just don't cry when we whip your @ss back to iran.

April 2017

137 posts

I must profess to new-found admiration ....

Pity for you, you don't get the real racial genetic plinth of Hindutva.

As a Mallu, you will always be the outsider. To the real Aryan Vedic core.

A core that actually gave you Fire.

You know now when the sword falls, who is the insider and who the outsider.

Cheers, Doc
This Indian secularism that you call fake runs true for the millions of Indian Sikhs like me. It runs true for the Muslims and Christians. And for all those that are not Hindu. We love the Hindus as most of our friends are you guys and coz we believe all of us Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims are Indians first. If this isn't secularism, then what is? The pride of living in diversity.

The secularism that we call "Fake" runs true ONLY for Sikhs, Muslim and Christians. Not for Hindus.

Claim of being "secular" appears rich coming form a Sikh.

Sikhs who are 58% of Punjab claim to be "Minorities" in punjab and claim "reservation" based on that Minority status :lol:

Hindus who are 38% are considered "Majority" in punjab and do not get any reservation :lol:

I spit on the face of your "secularism" which is a disguise for your bigotry against Hindus.

First make a voice against this INJUSTICE in your own homeland before preaching to the Hindus. LOL at your hypocrisy. LOL at your "pride in diversity" that seeks to exploit the real minorities in punjab.

A government comes along that is based on the ideology of Hinduism. Lynching of Muslims becomes a thing suddenly. Fake Gau-raksha encounters on Muslims becomes rampant. How do they minorities feel? There are 2 reasons I sympathise with Muslims right now. They are Indians being targetted coz of their religion. They are a minority like us. What do we make of it? Are we next?

LOL at your piety that seeks to glorify the murderers of Indra Gandhi as "shaheed".

First ask yourself how does the Hindus in punjab feel ? They KNOW they are next. History teaches them that.


"The SGPC instead asked Golden Temple’s head granthi Jagtar Singh to perform the ceremony. Beant Singh’s kin were not present, while Satwant Singh, the son of another assassin, Kehar Singh, was honoured with a siropa (robe of honour). The Akal Takht had bestowed upon the assassins the title of “martyrs of the Sikh Panth”. Their death anniversaries are commemorated by the SGPC by performing prayers in the Golden Temple complex and their kin are honoured by the Akal Takht jathedar."

As for the "secular" CONgress govt. which did not come on the plank of "hindutva", they just lynched a whole lot of you in Delhi. It was the "hindutva" RSS who came to your rescue then.

I have never felt there is anything wrong about Hinduism. We've all grown up looking at how clean, evolved and accepting is religion is. But suddenly in these past few years, many Hindus seem to have become selfish as fk. Suddenly, they want the country to have only Hindus.
This is definitely fake secularism. But the real one is which causes the greatest institutions like the Armed Forces to run.

LOL at your claims of Hindus being "selfish" when Sikhs are the LARGEST group of people who abandon India to migrate to Europe or Americans :lol:

If you want the country so much, maybe you can convince your kind to stay back in India :lol:

I'm sorry if this is a biased view. Surely the Hindus have also been at the receiving end many times. But the statistics, daily news, articles and shit, all point to a rise in crime against Muslims and not otherwise.

I am not at all sorry for your post. It gives me an opportunity to show you and your kind the Mirror.

Now take a long hard look at it.

As for the real statistics, Provide it if you have any integrity. I will be WAITING for the STATISTICS that show its muslims and not the Hindus who have been at the receiving end even in BJP regime.


April 2017

137 posts

I must profess to new-found admiration ....

Pity for you, you don't get the real racial genetic plinth of Hindutva.

As a Mallu, you will always be the outsider. To the real Aryan Vedic core.

A core that actually gave you Fire.

You know now when the sword falls, who is the insider and who the outsider.

Cheers, Doc

Don't worry about me Racist bigoted bawa. Worry about the next time the Shiv sainks come to your home and you have to get on your knees and do the needful.

My genetics is far superior to yours, my culture , my intelligence, my inheritance, my knowledge, my wealth and my heritage far outshines yours.

Best you can do is pretend to be someone you are not, a fictitious British invented "aryan".

You've just described what every non Hindu proud Indian is beginning to feel like in India today.

Well put sardarji.

Cheers, Doc

If that is how they feel , then it a good start.

Its about time they feel a lot worse for being a silent spectator while Hindu were being taken for a ride.
The secularism that we call "Fake" runs true ONLY for Sikhs, Muslim and Christians. Not for Hindus.

Claim of being "secular" appears rich coming form a Sikh.

Sikhs who are 58% of Punjab claim to be "Minorities" in punjab and claim "reservation" based on that Minority status :lol:

Hindus who are 38% are considered "Majority" in punjab and do not get any reservation :lol:

I spit on the face of your "secularism" which is a disguise for your bigotry against Hindus.

First make a voice against this INJUSTICE in your own homeland before preaching to the Hindus. LOL at your hypocrisy. LOL at your "pride in diversity" that seeks to exploit the real minorities in punjab.

LOL at your piety that seeks to glorify the murderers of Indra Gandhi as "shaheed".

First ask yourself how does the Hindus in punjab feel ? They KNOW they are next. History teaches them that.


"The SGPC instead asked Golden Temple’s head granthi Jagtar Singh to perform the ceremony. Beant Singh’s kin were not present, while Satwant Singh, the son of another assassin, Kehar Singh, was honoured with a siropa (robe of honour). The Akal Takht had bestowed upon the assassins the title of “martyrs of the Sikh Panth”. Their death anniversaries are commemorated by the SGPC by performing prayers in the Golden Temple complex and their kin are honoured by the Akal Takht jathedar."

As for the "secular" CONgress govt. which did not come on the plank of "hindutva", they just lynched a whole lot of you in Delhi. It was the "hindutva" RSS who came to your rescue then.

LOL at your claims of Hindus being "selfish" when Sikhs are the LARGEST group of people who abandon India to migrate to Europe or Americans :lol:

If you want the country so much, maybe you can convince your kind to stay back in India :lol:

I am not at all sorry for your post. It gives me an opportunity to show you and your kind the Mirror.

Now take a long hard look at it.

As for the real statistics, Provide it if you have any integrity. I will be WAITING for the STATISTICS that show its muslims and not the Hindus who have been at the receiving end even in BJP regime.


Don't worry about me Racist bigoted bawa. Worry about the next time the Shiv sainks come to your home and you have to get on your knees and do the needful.

My genetics is far superior to yours, my culture , my intelligence, my inheritance, my knowledge, my wealth and my heritage far outshines yours.

Best you can do is pretend to be someone you are not, a fictitious British invented "aryan".

If that is how they feel , then it a good start.

Its about time they feel a lot worse for being a silent spectator while Hindu were being taken for a ride.

Whatever ...

The Vedic Hindus who gave you Hinduism, are our cousins.

Distant as they may be genetically over millennia, they are still our bloodlines.

Who are Chandals?

Get a grip and know your place.

And you only need to visit Poona to find out whether I AM a sainik or just suck up to them. Lol

Come. Would be interesting ....

There are PDF guys who've met me. Just so you know.


Cheers, Doc
Whatever ...

The Vedic Hindus who gave you Hinduism, are our cousins.

Distant as they may be genetically over millennia, they are still our bloodlines.

Who are Chandals?

Get a grip and know your place.

And you only need to visit Poona to find out whether I AM a sainik or just suck up to them. Lol

Come. Would be interesting ....

There are PDF guys who've met me. Just so you know.


Cheers, Doc

Nobody "gave" us hinduism :lol: ......... we ARE the Vedic Hindus :lol:

Nair's are just about the only Hindus who still continue the Vedic tradition of keeping the ancestral fire burning in their tharavadu at all times. The same fire is used to set fire to the funeral pyre when we die. The ash from the fire becomes the Vibhuti. The same fire is used to light lamps in the mornings and evenings. Used to light lamps to the family deities.

Where as beef eaters like you are considered Maleecha by all Hindus. Same as a chandal. No Hindu worth his salt would enter your home or have a drink of water from your hands.

In fact, even now my mother keeps glasses and plates separate for your kind whenever hey enter our house. You see, she is from an earlier age and place where they know who to treat Maleechas.
Secularism, as practised by Congress and Lalu, Mamta is long dead.
It was all muslim apeacement in name of secularism. They always talked about muslims, never about Sikhs, Jains, Parsis etc. because muslims were vote bank and they all treated them lIke herd of sheep.
Progressive secularism is what being practised by Modi. Remember Modi is not Togadiya or VHP.
Indians have voted for Modi because he is above religion. But islamist will disagre because mullas dictated them that Modi is bad. They don't have any self analysis.
Wish they could do sone self analysis, but I was disappoined before too and will be in future.

No one will do award wapsi or shout intolerance for this Hindu policeman brutally assaulted by seculars.
No media channel will debate.
NONE OF THE SO CALLED INDIAN SECULARS here will even want to acknowledge his existence.

And they all wonder why Hindus have stopped trusting these self proclaimed seculars.

Man breaks Lord Shiva’s idol, asks why stop him if Aamir Khan was ‘allowed’ in PK

On Wednesday night, some unidentified elements were reported to have vandalised an old idol of Lord Shiva situated at Rani Ki Sarai area of Azamgarh district in Uttar Pradesh. The idol was installed in 1984 and locals used to offer their prayers there. They were angered when they discovered the vandalised idol on Thursday morning.

The angry locals demanded the police to arrest the culprits as well as install a new idol of Lord Shiva. The local administration accepted both the demands and on Friday morning a man named Chandrakant Saroj was arrested on charges of vandalising the idol. Police claims that he is mentally unsound and had vandalised another Shiva idol in the same area earlier this month.

Local media reports suggest that the man, described mentally unsound, was arguing with the police and local people justifying his acts. He is reported to have argued that if people did not protest against Aamir Khan’s (on-screen) deeds in the movie PK, why should his acts be opposed?

For the uninitiated, a man wearing the costume of Lord Shiva was seen being scared of Aamir Khan’s character in the movie PK, which was a satirical commentary on many religious beliefs. Many argued that the movie was against idol worship too, though that is a matter of interpretation.

However, the deeds of this man may not be entirely ‘inspired’ by PK, because he is being claimed mentally unstable by the police and even by his family members, who say that he has picked up ‘enmity’ with the god, especially Lord Shiva, because of series of misfortunes in his personal life.

Incidentally, this is not the only incident of Lord Shiva’s idol being broken in Uttar Pradesh when the holy month of Shraavan is going on. A cursory look at Hindi newspapers throw up at least 8 incidents of Lord Shiva’s idols being desecrated in different cities of Uttar Pradesh in the ongoing month. This is in addition to various incidents of other Hindu gods or goddesses’ idols also being desecrated or such incidents taking place in earlier months in Uttar Pradesh or in other states of India.

Apart from Azamgarh, Moradabad, Meerut, Jhansi, Farrukhabad, Kannauj, and Kanpur are some of the cities witnessing desecration of Lord Shiva’s idols in the current month. Coincidentally, police had claimed mentally unsound guys behind half of these vandalism incidents, though at least one such claim was disputed. Apart from desecration of Lord Shiva idols, this month has also seen attack on kaanvariyas, the shiva devotees, in Uttar Pradesh.
Nobody "gave" us hinduism :lol: ......... we ARE the Vedic Hindus :lol:

Nair's are just about the only Hindus who still continue the Vedic tradition of keeping the ancestral fire burning in their tharavadu at all times. The same fire is used to set fire to the funeral pyre when we die. The ash from the fire becomes the Vibhuti. The same fire is used to light lamps in the mornings and evenings. Used to light lamps to the family deities.

Where as beef eaters like you are considered Maleecha by all Hindus. Same as a chandal. No Hindu worth his salt would enter your home or have a drink of water from your hands.

In fact, even now my mother keeps glasses and plates separate for your kind whenever hey enter our house. You see, she is from an earlier age and place where they know who to treat Maleechas.

Don't joke man.

You are as Vedic Aryan as a Hutu bushman.

Cheers, Doc
Nobody "gave" us hinduism :lol: ......... we ARE the Vedic Hindus :lol:

Nair's are just about the only Hindus who still continue the Vedic tradition of keeping the ancestral fire burning in their tharavadu at all times. The same fire is used to set fire to the funeral pyre when we die. The ash from the fire becomes the Vibhuti. The same fire is used to light lamps in the mornings and evenings. Used to light lamps to the family deities.

Where as beef eaters like you are considered Maleecha by all Hindus. Same as a chandal. No Hindu worth his salt would enter your home or have a drink of water from your hands.

In fact, even now my mother keeps glasses and plates separate for your kind whenever hey enter our house. You see, she is from an earlier age and place where they know who to treat Maleechas.
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