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France and Germany to Develop New European Fighter Jet: Document


Feb 25, 2014
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PARIS — France and Germany have agreed to develop a European fighter jet to replace their existing fleets, part of a raft of measures to tighten defense and security cooperation, according to a document issued after a Franco-German cabinet meeting in Paris on Thursday.

The two countries are to come up with a roadmap for developing the new aircraft by mid 2018, the document said.

The two governments also agreed to set up a cooperation framework for the next model of the Tiger attack helicopter and for tactical air-to-ground missiles.

The document also said the two countries agreed to work together on procuring ground systems including heavy tanks and artillery, and that a contract was expected to be signed before 2019 for the German-led Eurodrone project.

The combat aircraft project buries a split which saw France withdraw from the Eurofighter project in the 1980s to produce its own Rafale warplane via Dassault Aviation.

The document stated that the new combat system, which analysts say could involve a mixture of manned and unmanned aircraft, would replace both the Eurofighter and the Rafale.

However, it did not say what if any role Britain - Europe's leading military power and a partner in the Eurofighter fighter project alongside Germany, Spain and Italy - would play in developing the new successor.

Europe currently has three fighter planes, the Eurofighter Typhoon, France's Rafale and Sweden's Gripen - whereas many defense analysts say there is room for only one combat plane in future because of budget pressures and huge development costs.


@SMS Derfflinger @Louiq XIV @Taygibay
Seems Chinese developments in fighter jet field is pushing the EU.
Planned :

1. 5th gen. Fighter Jet - stopping current Eurofighter Brit Consortium
2. Advanced Maritime Patrol Plane - based on French Experience on Breget Atlantique
3. New MBT called - Le LEO
4. Patrol and Combat drones- to become independent from Israel and the USA
5. Full upgrade of combat Helicopter - TIGRE
6. Advanced new SP - artillery
6. Joint German - French Cyber Command
you have combat drones nueron and uk one
For now, I'll register the intent to act on the Brexit
but I'll withhold on believing in this project's fruition.

There a layered approach to mil cooperations for France
at the moment that will only crystallize after events that
most people ... err ... can't fathom nor accept yet in part
because we're talking about potential events and in part
because everyone is counter-punching, on the defensive.

In short form, don't expect a fast tempo to that tango!

And have a great day all, Tay.
No we have not. Only theoretical and experimental . Show me one operational .
well germany wanted tot of heron tp to develop the new one but tranis sopose to be almost opertional so i dont think germany need the tot
You are confused. Taranis is an UK project, the other mentioned French one is Neuron.
Italy was involved in Barracuda project. Germany has no experience.
so you can buy from them uk tranis
PARIS — France and Germany have agreed to develop a European fighter jet to replace their existing fleets, part of a raft of measures to tighten defense and security cooperation, according to a document issued after a Franco-German cabinet meeting in Paris on Thursday.

The two countries are to come up with a roadmap for developing the new aircraft by mid 2018, the document said.

The two governments also agreed to set up a cooperation framework for the next model of the Tiger attack helicopter and for tactical air-to-ground missiles.

The document also said the two countries agreed to work together on procuring ground systems including heavy tanks and artillery, and that a contract was expected to be signed before 2019 for the German-led Eurodrone project.

The combat aircraft project buries a split which saw France withdraw from the Eurofighter project in the 1980s to produce its own Rafale warplane via Dassault Aviation.

The document stated that the new combat system, which analysts say could involve a mixture of manned and unmanned aircraft, would replace both the Eurofighter and the Rafale.

However, it did not say what if any role Britain - Europe's leading military power and a partner in the Eurofighter fighter project alongside Germany, Spain and Italy - would play in developing the new successor.

Europe currently has three fighter planes, the Eurofighter Typhoon, France's Rafale and Sweden's Gripen - whereas many defense analysts say there is room for only one combat plane in future because of budget pressures and huge development costs.


@SMS Derfflinger @Louiq XIV @Taygibay
we cant leave the french alone with the germans, as for room only for one fighter.......... i disagree due to different doctrines.

Which one is pregnant?
the rafale
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