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Indian Army deploys Armoured bulldozers to destroy Chinese bunkers on Bhutan border

we dont have any problem with china.....atleast we shouldnt have .....china is projecting its power in asia as india is trying to do in south asia .........its in nature of power to project itself....china lived under the dominance of soviats and united states for decades and now they are in a position to challenge both .....so a time may come when india will be strong enough to stand as a third pole in this world but that time is not now and will not be here for decades untill then we should bury our heads and do our work
I think you need to learn some history.
this is a real situation not some medieval century fantasy valour tales
Agreed. But our friendly interactions on social media have zero effect on actual ground situation.
Don't worry either their will be war or their will be no war.
But either way the illegal activities of Chinese have to be confronted. No way out of it.
A stitch in time saves nine. Etc.
What is your source to claim 200 thousand Indian troops and 50 0000 Chinese ?
Basically India deployed ITBP (Indian Tibetan border police force) on China border.
Have you saw clip of recent Sikkim Impass, how same no. of Indian soldiers are playing with Chinese ones like they are dealing with Chinese shemales, Chinese looked totally incapable in front on Indian troops other then making Video.
Do you want to see that clip ? or already saw how strong your troops are
Do you ignore the mountain troops in India? India's most elite troops are concentrated in the Chinese border. You don't agree? I saw that video. So the India Army decided to use wrestling to defeat the Chinese Army on the battlefield?

LOL, you need to know some military common sense. War is not a wrestling match. Moreover, Chinese soldiers remain maximum restraint! And India's soldiers are bluffing. Look at the Indians' performance on the battlefield - they're good at challenging, but really not good at war.

That's lame. We entered your territory, destroyed your bunkers. And still you are yet to decide if it deserves action or not? You got scared, mate :coffee:
Relax, in 1962, after Indian forward policy infringements, China gave India few months of warning before giving Indians their greatest shock therapy of their lives.
So much so that Nehru died soon after.
Now its Modi's turn and I see the same bravado as in 1962.
Better tuck in your tail and scam before you get another humiliation.
Relax, in 1962, after Indian forward policy infringements, China gave India few months of warning before giving Indians their greatest shock therapy of their lives.
So much so that Nehru died soon after.
Now its Modi's turn and I see the same bravado as in 1962.
Better tuck in your tail and scam before you get another humiliation.
Yawn..that's what I am hearing since yesterday. Come up with something new.

PS: Not yesterday, since my joining in this forum.
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Sino Soviet and Sino American, 1960s to 1989.
i should have made myself a bit more clear...i did not mean dominance in the sense that these two countries dominated china politically but in a much general sense where during entire cold war narrative of soviat and usa dominated every one else....they dominated in trade, in securing energy resources and in world bodies like UN and others ......
Relax, in 1962, after Indian forward policy infringements, China gave India few months of warning before giving Indians their greatest shock therapy of their lives.
So much so that Nehru died soon after.
Now its Modi's turn and I see the same bravado as in 1962.
Better tuck in your tail and scam before you get another humiliation.

Maybe in India geo-strategically calculated that China wouldn't dare repeat 1962 due to the fact that we need to keep our attention toward Pacific to face Japan and US and they have these countries' backing and support but China don't need any country backing to deal with India.
Miss Nandini? Nice name. Another lady. Have all the men gone to the border and left you guys in PDF? :D
no problem if they did.....ladies in our country are equally responsible for everything

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