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Indian Army deploys Armoured bulldozers to destroy Chinese bunkers on Bhutan border

How is that whitening cream working for you.
Don't use too much whitening cream, it can affect your brain.
Bro, i just found out she's a lady by Googling the name "kavita". Be nice bro ;)
Bro, i just found out she's a lady by Googling the name "kavita". Be nice bro ;)
Seeing her being so delusional, I was suspecting she is using loads of whitening cream.
Its a nice and friendly advice.
Sorry too late.the Indian dagger has left the sheath.
When the dagger leaves the sheath , it can only renter the sheath after tasting blood.
this is a real situation not some medieval century fantasy valour tales
Yes there are those that can climb upto tropopause. But that is not their operational altitude, definitely not for armed drones. The thing is, you do not need to be a genius to know these things. Whoever told you all this is rocket science was again misleading you. It seems you have an entire battalion of people who misinform you regularly. Or do you glean all your knowledge from Baidu?

Baidu filters out anything that is considered problematic to Chinese government narrative, so I was you I would be slightly careful in relying on it.
You can't cure stupidity.:D.
we dont have any problem with china.....atleast we shouldnt have .....china is projecting its power in asia as india is trying to do in south asia .........its in nature of power to project itself....china lived under the dominance of soviats and united states for decades and now they are in a position to challenge both .....so a time may come when india will be strong enough to stand as a third pole in this world but that time is not now and will not be here for decades untill then we should bury our heads and do our work
The world need to stand up to Chinese aggression in Asia in particular South China Sea. Stop appeasing the Chinese Dragon- like what happen when European states including Britain started appeasing Hitler-leading to war
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