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First hand interview with Hafiz Saeed


Nov 28, 2006
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Robert Fisk becomes the first Western journalist to interview Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, the man accused of masterminding the Mumbai massacre

Friday, 26 March 2010

As Pakistani ministers and the country's army chiefs lobbied the Obama administration in Washington this week for increased military funding for the fight against Al Qa'ida militants, the top man on the US, UN and EU most wanted list in Pakistan moved freely in the streets of Lahore.

In his first interview with a western newspaper, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed – suspected of organising the slaughter of 166 Indians in Mumbai in November 2008 – denied responsibility for the bloodbath and told The Independent that he had won his court battles to remain a free man. Saeed, bearded, bespectacled and claiming to have no links with Lashkar-e-Taiba – the "Army of the Righteous", which is blamed by the Indians and Americans for the Mumbai killings – is guarded in Lahore by two Pakistani policemen.

He said he believed in the Lashkar group's "fight for freedom" in Kashmir, adding that US and Nato troops "must leave" Afghanistan. He blamed "Indian propaganda" for the accusations against him – a claim unlikely to move his enemies in the US, India and other nations – and said that he condemned the Mumbai killings. Saeed said he runs a well-funded charity called the "Group of Preaching" which rescued more than a hundred victims of the Kashmir earthquake.
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But his outspoken remarks are likely to cause friction in Washington where Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, this week hailed the dawn of "a new day" after "years of misunderstandings" in the relationship between the US and Pakistan. The country's Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and army chief of staff have been trying to persuade President Obama's administration that they are resolute in their domestic as well as their international battle against "terror".

At their high-level "strategic dialogue" which also involved Mrs Clinton and the US Defence Secretary Robert Gates, President Obama is reported to have specifically asked for the arrest of Saeed. Condemning Pakistan for supporting members of Lashkar after the Mumbai attacks, Gary Ackerman, the anti-Pakistani chairman of the US House subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, described the group as "a bunch of savages" that needed to be crushed.

In the latest Indian file on the Mumbai killings, handed over to Pakistani Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Salman Bashir during his recent visit to Delhi, the Indians also demanded "strict action" against Hafiz Saeed and his extradition to India with 34 others on Delhi's wanted list.

But Mr Bashir described the evidence against Saeed as "mere literature". Lashkar are also held responsible by India, the US and the UN for a long series of massacres: at Chittisinghpura in 2000 when 35 Sikhs were killed; at the Red Fort in Delhi the same year; at the Delhi parliament the following year;, at a Delhi market in 2005, when 31 people were killed; in Uttar Pradesh in 2006 - where 37 civilians lost their lives; and train bombings in Mumbai in 2006, which left 211 dead.

The US is currently supplying Pakistan with aid worth $1.5bn a year. But at the Washington talks, Islamabad asked for a further boost in financial assistance for the country's power generation system and water supplies, as well as military equipment and mass funding for the Pakistani army, navy and air force. Islamabad believes that its long and bloody battles against the Taliban – both the Afghan and the Pakistani variety – have earned it substantial financial rewards from Washington. Most of its army have been moved from the Kashmir border with India to the western battles against the Taliban – to the delight of the Americans and the Indians. But Lashkar remains the enemy within which can strike again at Indian targets.

Hafiz Saeed remains unmoved. Insisting he has no connection to Lashkar, he said that his charity had hundreds of offices across Pakistan. "They make me out to be the biggest and most evil terrorist," he laughed. "Do I look like one to you?"

He said he had visited Afghanistan, but only to observe the situation, never to fight. He had met Osama bin Laden once, he said, on the Haj pilgrimage to Mecca in the 1980s, praying near him and then speaking to him – but only "briefly".

Many Pakistanis believe that Saeed is controlled by the country's formidable Interservices Intelligence (ISI) organisation, and the armed policemen outside his temporary office in Lahore may be part of that protection. A senior ISI officer travelled to the Washngton talks.
Face to face with Pakistan&rsquo;s most wanted - Asia, World - The Independent
I wonder if he could give the same speech looking in the eyes of the family members of the innocents were murdered on 26/11
I wonder if he could give the same speech looking in the eyes of the family members of the innocents were murdered on 26/11

Keep in mind he was arrested and released because of lack of evidence.
You cannot prosecute someone just because you think that they are the culprit. India has a long history of such demands and i don't see why this one would be any different.

About looking at eyes of the innocent, tell me about it.

Warren Anderson and Bhopal tragedy. Does that tell you of anything or any justice? I assume that was a much greater loss of "Innocent Human" life, yet no one dare talk about Warren Anderson being roaming freely on the roads in USA or India demanding him to be handed over.

Last, take a deep breath, and think for a moment that does it really make sense for one man being able to mastermind the Mumbai fiasco? Why not identify faults within your own Intelligence failures and Anti-Terrorist response?
//Why not identify faults within your own Intelligence failures and Anti-Terrorist response?// - Yup another conspiracy coming up... Wait for it guys
Keep in mind he was arrested and released because of lack of evidence.
You cannot prosecute someone just because you think that they are the culprit. India has a long history of such demands and i don't see why this one would be any different.

About looking at eyes of the innocent, tell me about it.

Warren Anderson and Bhopal tragedy. Does that tell you of anything or any justice? I assume that was a much greater loss of "Innocent Human" life, yet no one dare talk about Warren Anderson being roaming freely on the roads in USA or India demanding him to be handed over.

Last, take a deep breath, and think for a moment that does it really make sense for one man being able to mastermind the Mumbai fiasco? Why not identify faults within your own Intelligence failures and Anti-Terrorist response?

Warren Anderson does not give hate speeches to detsroy India on a friday sermon.. Coz people like Hafiz Saeed can claim the lives of several hundred innocents because of his scrwed up mind...
Keep in mind he was arrested and released because of lack of evidence.
You cannot prosecute someone just because you think that they are the culprit. India has a long history of such demands and i don't see why this one would be any different.

About looking at eyes of the innocent, tell me about it.

Warren Anderson and Bhopal tragedy. Does that tell you of anything or any justice? I assume that was a much greater loss of "Innocent Human" life, yet no one dare talk about Warren Anderson being roaming freely on the roads in USA or India demanding him to be handed over.

Last, take a deep breath, and think for a moment that does it really make sense for one man being able to mastermind the Mumbai fiasco? Why not identify faults within your own Intelligence failures and Anti-Terrorist response?

Yes, you're absolutely right. We DO have faults in our own intelligence and our own response. Before 26/11, I would have laughed if someone told me what's gonna happen. 26/11 has changed our perspective. However, that is not enough justification for the families of the victims.

Bhopal is an industrial disaster just like the Oil spill. It was not intentionally plotted and anyone else in Warren Anderson's place would have done the same. Low safety regulations and cost cutting are the only reasons why the plant was built in this "Third world country".

I dont understand how much evidence your government wants. Tell me, would you ask for more evidence if any of your family members lost their lives in the terror attack ?
Warren Anderson does not give hate speeches to detsroy India on a friday sermon.. Coz people like Hafiz Saeed can claim the lives of several hundred innocents because of his scrwed up mind...

Let him chant and yell. That does not mean that he will do it. That is not evidence in any court of law. You have to connect Mumbai to Hafiz Saeed in ways that can be brought to court.

Ways that India ran out of. Because there are not any.

A lot of Maulvis give hate speeches about America. That's freedom of speech i guess.

Go and look up the Hamaz leader assassination in Dubai. Look how efficiently the Dubai police came up with the issue of fake passports so well that Australia was compelled and expelled Israeli diplomat.

India just moans. Dawood Ibrahim, Hafiz Saeed sometime soon someone else will be next.

Warren Anderson has an arrest warrant out by Gov of India.
Mumbai was a pale comparison to Bhopal.

Just think about it.
Yes, you're absolutely right. We DO have faults in our own intelligence and our own response. Before 26/11, I would have laughed if someone told me what's gonna happen. 26/11 has changed our perspective. However, that is not enough justification for the families of the victims.

Bhopal is an industrial disaster just like the Oil spill. It was not intentionally plotted and anyone else in Warren Anderson's place would have done the same. Low safety regulations and cost cutting are the only reasons why the plant was built in this "Third world country".

I dont understand how much evidence your government wants. Tell me, would you ask for more evidence if any of your family members lost their lives in the terror attack ?

Sorry but you have to be out of your mind to compare Bhopal to Oil Spill.

Oil spill killed 11 people.
Bhopal was thousands. Worst ever industrial/chemical disaster. Birthdefects that continue to go on.

You cannot compare Bhopal with anything my friend. Maybe only Chernobyl disaster.

And....i have lost two friends to terrorist attacks. While praying at a mosque.
So don't even think of telling me about terrorism and it's menace.

I can't argue with you unless you have an open mind to accept what is real and what is not. I hope you don't have to go through the mental trauma i have been through.

man you understand urdu hindi? i am most indian friendly member here and you beleve me it was first time in my life i watch him before i read his two articles.he don't say any thing wrong in viedeo expect he use some hard words to 8lakh army in india. what he say we don't beleve in guns we don't beleve in soard we beleve in peace but all religuns of wolrd give right to defend ther self .if 8 lakh indian army kill kashmiris in there home kashmiris has right to defend there self.if west and un are blind not we also.:rolleyes:
man you understand urdu hindi? i am most indian friendly member here and you beleve me it was first time in my life i watch him before i read his two articles.he don't say any thing wrong in viedeo expect he use some hard words to 8lakh army in india. what he say we don't beleve in guns we don't beleve in soard we beleve in peace but all religuns of wolrd give right to defend ther self .if 8 lakh indian army kill kashmiris in there home kashmiris has right to defend there self.if west and un are blind not we also.:rolleyes:


It boils down to India vs Pak in every thread.

They ain't gonna listen. And we neither.
Sorry but you have to be out of your mind to compare Bhopal to Oil Spill.

Oil spill killed 11 people.
Bhopal was thousands. Worst ever industrial/chemical disaster. Birthdefects that continue to go on.

You cannot compare Bhopal with anything my friend. Maybe only Chernobyl disaster.

And....i have lost two friends to terrorist attacks. While praying at a mosque.
So don't even think of telling me about terrorism and it's menace.

I can't argue with you unless you have an open mind to accept what is real and what is not. I hope you don't have to go through the mental trauma i have been through.

The scale of damage is different but the prime cause of both the disasters remains the same, corporate cost cutting. It's not just about the 11 human lives lost, think about all the oil lost and the marine life which is permanently damaged.

What I'm saying is you cannot compare industrial disasters with terrorism. The CEO of the company aims to satisfy his most important stakeholder, his shareholders through taking risks while the terrorist leader aims only to terrorize.
Some more freedom of speech stuff from the one and only Hafiz Saeed

Pak's water commissioner an Indian agent: JuD: Rediff.com India News

The outlawed Jamaat-ud-Dawah on Monday described Pakistan's Indus Waters Commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah as an 'India [ Images ]n agent' after he dismissed the widespread impression that India is 'stealing' Pakistan's share of river waters.

Senior JuD leader Abdul Rehman Makki chided Shah and said his statement had weakened the case of 180 million Pakistanis. "He (Shah) is trying to bail out India over the water issue and the people of Pakistan are not convinced about what he is saying," Makki said.

During a recent seminar at the Punjab [ Images ] University, Shah had said that India is 'not stealing our water'.

He also said the low inflow in rivers in Pakistan was due to climate change. Pakistan had not 'lost the case' of Baglihar dam and instead its reservations about the project had been accepted by India, Shah had said.

"We have raised objections to the construction of the Chutak and Nimmo Bazgo dams by India," he said. India had accepted objections against the Chutak project but it did not accept those related to Nimmo Bazgo, he added.

"Pakistan reserves the right to go in for arbitration against Indian violations (of the Indus Waters Treaty)," Shah had said.

In recent months, the JuD, blamed by India for masterminding the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks [ Images ], has organised several rallies to mobilise people across Pakistan against the alleged 'stealing' of Pakistan's share of river water by India.

"The whole nation is ready to wage a war against India on the water issue. Pakistanis will prefer to fight against India instead of dying of hunger," Makki said.

"India is not only making dams on the water of Pakistani rivers but also on its streams and water channels," he claimed.

The Pakistan government has appointed people in the Indus Waters Commission who would not dare raise their voice against India, he further claimed.
Some more freedom of speech stuff from the one and only Hafiz Saeed

Pak's water commissioner an Indian agent: JuD: Rediff.com India News

The outlawed Jamaat-ud-Dawah on Monday described Pakistan's Indus Waters Commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah as an 'India [ Images ]n agent' after he dismissed the widespread impression that India is 'stealing' Pakistan's share of river waters.

Senior JuD leader Abdul Rehman Makki chided Shah and said his statement had weakened the case of 180 million Pakistanis. "He (Shah) is trying to bail out India over the water issue and the people of Pakistan are not convinced about what he is saying," Makki said.

During a recent seminar at the Punjab [ Images ] University, Shah had said that India is 'not stealing our water'.

He also said the low inflow in rivers in Pakistan was due to climate change. Pakistan had not 'lost the case' of Baglihar dam and instead its reservations about the project had been accepted by India, Shah had said.

"We have raised objections to the construction of the Chutak and Nimmo Bazgo dams by India," he said. India had accepted objections against the Chutak project but it did not accept those related to Nimmo Bazgo, he added.

"Pakistan reserves the right to go in for arbitration against Indian violations (of the Indus Waters Treaty)," Shah had said.

In recent months, the JuD, blamed by India for masterminding the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks [ Images ], has organised several rallies to mobilise people across Pakistan against the alleged 'stealing' of Pakistan's share of river water by India.

"The whole nation is ready to wage a war against India on the water issue. Pakistanis will prefer to fight against India instead of dying of hunger," Makki said.

"India is not only making dams on the water of Pakistani rivers but also on its streams and water channels," he claimed.

The Pakistan government has appointed people in the Indus Waters Commission who would not dare raise their voice against India, he further claimed.

Yup. Freedom of speech. But i don't see how it compares to Mumbai fiasco. You are way off topic buddy.

We need evidence.

Evidence like, Hafiz Saeed went to India on a fake passport or made visits there...etc etc. That he went into each hotel room ( because you allege him to be "the mastermind" so he gotta plan and see right?) and that there are CCTV footage of him wandering in Mumbai.

A modern court of law no longer relies on witness accounts or voice recording/phone tappings.

Concrete evidence is must.

What India gave was that here is the terrorist camp. Hafiz runs it. Hence he must be the one who did Mumbai massacre.
The scale of damage is different but the prime cause of both the disasters remains the same, corporate cost cutting. It's not just about the 11 human lives lost, think about all the oil lost and the marine life which is permanently damaged.

What I'm saying is you cannot compare industrial disasters with terrorism. The CEO of the company aims to satisfy his most important stakeholder, his shareholders through taking risks while the terrorist leader aims only to terrorize.

You cannot compare Industrial disasters unless they have something in common..

That being, Government of India has arrest warrants out for Both Dawood Ibrahim and Warren Anderson and i guess Hafiz Saeed.

Actually, Industrial disasters of that scale (Bhopal is now the official benchmark) are now consider equal manslaughter.

Remember ENRON? They didn't even kill anyone, yet they got life sentences.

This is thousands of people we are talking about in case of Bhopal.

You cannot pin Mumbai like events on one guy. I mean come on, is he really that smart? When you do blame a sole guy, then i think blaming Warren Anderson solely may also be logical.
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