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PAF JF-17 Shoots Down UAV from Iran

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good to see jf 17 precision strike capabilities

JF-17 proving itself successful again & again.

Very good. No country should be allowed to violate our airspace.
Here an old story...

Never you asked yourself why it is the Lion who ruled and not Bigger & stronger animals like the Elephant?
Well this answer is simple...
The Elephant, by his strenght and power has no equal in the animal kingdom... But it's a special animal... he has a tendancy to, not always defend one of his own when they are in need or in danger, most of the time he choose safety upon survival.
It's something the Lion can't do...he always attack whoever may lay a teeth on one of his own... That's why the animal kingdom choosed him as a ruler.

That's why most of Civilisation and Kings choosed the image of the Lion, not because of his limited strenght but for his particular personality...

Today, whatever it's Pakistan or other countries ( almost every muslim one) none of them are Lions or even cubs...but some sort of an Elephant... thinking that playing safe, and shutting their eyes around what they believe wrong, just to keep their position and image...safe.

Playing the Elephant card is only keeping the unavoidable... at bait for few more years/decades...

Taking no position wasn't, is and will never be a successful strategy... Even under our rassul ( or any prophets) ... this strategy wasn't used... taking no position is also saying that the good and the wrong are equal...
Lions hunt in packs if they keep fighting hyenas take advantage of such a situation that is the reason why restraint to a degree is the best policy but provocation will be met with a response that is most suited
They should take it as a sign of our growing frustration we still are not going to close doors of engagement

(PS we would root for pakistan over some non-Subcontinental state.)
We know you will act like phupo on a wedding :D
If seeing a larger picture makes me a pitthoo than so be it, its still better than those morons who want to open another front for Pakistan in their shortsightedness. As for the highlighted part do you realize how stupid that logic sounds?

To bhai kya chahtay ho? we should bend over for peace? those farsis are violating your airspace and you want us to act as pussy, go beg peace from terrorists Mullah who are funding sectarian parties in your country, our criminals are traveling on their visa, our people are being recruited by them for terrorism in Syria and Iraq...

Just bcoz America is violating our sovereignty (which btw is cleare now that they are not, we have given them permission to use drone according to wikileaks and western media outlets) every one should be allowed to fvck our sovereignty,.
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Actually this is a hard reality. These Jihadies are not only against Iran, but also against Pakistan. They have killed thousands of Pakistani soldiers (while Iran has never killed a single Pakistani soldier).

We must understand that the REAL culprits are these Jihadies. Before their emergence, there was no problem between Iran and Pakistan.

It was the ultimate goal of these Jihadies to start a conflict between Iran and Pakistan, and they have succeeded. Why people don't understand that this conflict means these Jihadies won and Pak/Iran both lost.

Iranian guards kill Pakistani soldier near border
Oct 18, 2014
QUETTA: Iranian border guards attacked a vehicle of Frontier Corps, a para-military force, inside Pakistani territory killing one FC man and injuring three others on Friday morning.

Khan Wasey, the Spokesman FC told Dawn.com that Iranian border guards have been violating Pakistani territory since the past two days. He said the FC's vehicle was also damaged during the attack.

The injured personnel were rushed to Quetta for medical treatment.

Wasey said that Iranian border guards entered inside Pakistani territory and attacked the FC vehicle in Mand Tehsil of Balochistan's Kech district.
Well that is what all Iranian members claim, that is why i said that..

They are brainwashed Mullahs, nothing more, we are already presented as Wahhabi Pakistan mercineries of Saudis in Mullah's Iran, just visit their geopolitical forums and check what they thought about Pakistan, they may appear sweet here, but i have been to IMF (Iranian military forum) as a reader... yet we have some Mofo Pakistan begging for peace. our Govt is totally apologetic towards Iran as of now.
Thank God after long time we did the right thing in order to protect our borders.

But I am suspecting KSA/US hand in that since they don't want good relation between Iran and Pakistan and may be inwardly some Gens and Politician wants to join Saudi coalition.
To bhai kya chahtay ho? we should bend over for peace? those farsis are violating your airspace and you want us to act as pussy, go beg peace from terrorists Mullah who are funding sectarian parties in your country, our criminals are traveling on their visa, our people are being recruited by them for terrorism in Syria and Iraq...
Are you sure that those are the only Mullahs funding terrorism and not from some other brotherly country? And I dont want anything. The last thing Pakistan needs is to pick a fight with another neighbor when it can be averted sensibly. And if we do want to do something than start doing it with the US who regularly bombs our territory while we do nothing other than issuing a statement of condemnation. Start doing something about Afghanistan who harbors TTP and Fazal ullah responsible for the deaths of thousands of Pakistani. Wahan to humeri bolti band ho jati ha.
I mean what kind of bloody hypocrisy is this where we have no problem in becoming a wuss and a pussy because on the other side its the US but dont mind guns blazing with an immediate neighbor with whom things like these can be averted politically. Who if not friendly isnt an enemy state either so far.
Brace yourself Iranians, Pakistan is not Iraq or Syria, and we are not stupid arabs those just rely on statements. Better watch yourself before opening another front. As they say, what goes around, comes around.
Same feeling here but for many years we let the Iranians to do cross border raids even they quite often shell our villages.
Ask iranians. How did baba ladla got a iranian passport? Same way uzair got one.
Beacause irani maulvis a re a bunch of back stabbing.........
Met sq.ldr Zeeshan last year when I visited masroor for 3 weeks. The guy is very simple but a very good pilot. Let's see if I can get the hud video. I heard good things about it but I need permission if I can post it.
Also that tiny JF 17 is bulky and was surprised to see equipment on it saying made in England.
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