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How Pakistani-Americans are entering interfaith and interracial marriages — and making them work

Where is the proof? and if he has the proof why does he not show the admins so they can take an action on that? because according to him he reported my post and I have reported his posts.He is just lying...

I think @waz can clear it all cause he's the one who deleted your post .
Of course I'm not blaming you, I ain't a witness of that all but I feel that he's been hurt at his mother's insult by you .

Please be kind to everyone , debates aside but don't hurt anyone if you did that .

@waz ..
You guys do realise that this is an open forum.

Sort your differences out privately and like adults.

@mods please clean this up.
He is on my ignore list like most of the trolls are..It is not me started here, he came with his rants while if he has any issues, he should ask the moderators and not troll on other thread and derail the discussion... that is typical trait of low IQ trolls who are basically paid to troll and tease serious members. I have him on my ignores list and the helpless attention seeker tried to follow me...and now he is claiming that some moderator deleted my post in which there were all the proofs. It is really funny like NS claims he has the "Qatari letter" as the only evidence for all his transactions and the money trail :lol:..None of my posts have been deleted in past 36 hrs at least.
I really can't understand what part of "encouraging the act" you can't understand. Here, encouraging means causing the sinners to sin more. Hence, generating more sin.

What @abdulbarijan keeps asking you is to prove the correlation between sin and profit. Attaching the word "simple" doesn't prove anything.

To take an extreme, a person selling guns to terrorist isn't gonna shoot the gun. But don't you think that the dealer is as much to blame for an attack as the terrorist?

False equivalence.
@abdulbarijan @Verve

In Islam, the sins can be divided into multiple categories but two broad categories are (1) individual or private sins and (2) public or communal sins. The private sins mainly influence the doer only and thus do not carry a physically punishment in this world though it has spiritual consquences and a person will be held accountable for it on the day of judgement...However daily repentance with sincerity can get the person divine forgiveness for that sin.

However if the same sin is committed in the public/communal space, then it becomes a communal or public sin and individual or group of individuals will be punished physically since now its influence cirumscribes the whole community and that is why hadood are mostly implemented publicly ( though most of the offence will fall under tazeerat i.e. Penal codes) . Though still the offender has to seek Allah's forgiveness for the spiritual cleansing in addition to the punishment.

Ehh .
You're too hard and arrogant to have a conversation . Go die , who cares ! :angry:
Reported and moving on :coffee:
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Oh calm down my kin. Just go for a stroll and come back.
Oh calm down my kin. Just go for a stroll and come back.
I'm a cool person , but some people seem to be angry on something he doesn't want to listen . Some very high ego people .. :undecided:
I blame all the spicy food we Pakistanis eat

Its amazing that a nation who can tolerate so much spice cannot tolerate each other.
I blame all the spicy food we Pakistanis eat

Its amazing that a nation who can tolerate so much spice cannot tolerate each other.

Yes .
Spicy food is not good .
I had some turk friends who had children of very calm nature and friendly , but our children are very aggressive .. I guess it's the spicy factor .
I blame all the spicy food we Pakistanis eat

Its amazing that a nation who can tolerate so much spice cannot tolerate each other.

Northern Pakistanis don't eat much spice at all. It gives us heartburn. o_O
Yes .
Spicy food is not good .
I had some turk friends who had children of very calm nature and friendly , but our children are very aggressive .. I guess it's the spicy factor .

Nah Kids are kids.
Turks are strict parents even stricter than Pakistani parents.
I have seen enough trouble making Turks to agree to your point.

Which part of Turkey were they from?

Northern Pakistanis don't eat much spice at all. It gives us heartburn. o_O

Yeah I know but i was generally speaking
Nah Kids are kids.
Turks are strict parents even stricter than Pakistani parents.
I have seen enough trouble making Turks to agree to your point.

Which part of Turkey were they from?

Yeah I know but i was generally speaking

Dint know but they wore scarf and we're religious. Not like those we see in TV

-You Pakistani women have to let go of your victim complex. .
Am afraid its ALOT of women who have "'victim complex" what the hell is feminism in the west based on(for.eg)? yup, playing victim. If you check it out, the common trend is always- blame men, the Did something that caused the problem, and its never THEIR fault.lol
Am afraid its ALOT of women who have "'victim complex" what the hell is feminism in the west based on(for.eg)? yup, playing victim. If you check it out, the common trend is always- blame men, the Did something that caused the problem, and its never THEIR fault.lol

Lol ..

Men going mad here ..
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