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ICJ hearing on Kulbhushan Jadhav case : News, Updates & Discussions

India had been telling the world the same about Pakistan since many years but the world does not move so the fact us the world moves for own interests. And we should do the same and should avoid releasing another Kashmir Singh.
Nawas Ius No good for Pakistan.

Knee Jerk reactions and no after thought and future repercussions should not be the standard state policy of any responsible state- You must be knowing what 1990 Kashmir insurgency and 1999 Kargil incursion has done for Pakistan's cause at the UN and International community- Pakistan being a weaker power has always relied upon help from the world to stand against India for long- Killing Jadhav and not obeying ICJ- would be another setback to Its efforts and play well for India-
ICJ stays hanging of Indian spy Kulbhushan Yadav till final decision, !!!

So does anyone here expects ICJ to say the words.....''Go ahead hang him''. ??

All the fancy wordings and holding back the final verdict is just a sugar coated tablet for the Indians.

The ICJ knows well, if they try to save Yadav, then they can kiss goodbye to demand of asking Pakistan to take actions against any other terrorist.

ICJ cannot open a Pandora box. There are courts all over the world who are giving sentences to criminals and terrorists - who also belong to other countries. How can they be a court above every other court on criminal matters and what kind of precedence can they afford to set?

Besides Pakistan is not blighted to accept ICJ's intervention in matters related to National Security. This point must be made very clear to the court that their decision are advisory and not compulsory - as under the legally accepted jurisdiction of ICJ by Pakistan and vice versa, they cannot hear cases related to National Security of Pakistan.
Just the fact that ICJ was reading to accept the case, that was reason enough for India to believe that it had got a stay. Only Pakistan was fighting over whether ICJ had jurisdiction or not, and it tried telling that to ICJ in the ICJ, rather foolishly!

Having an idea and claiming a thing yet to happen, in advance are actually two different things.
Pakistanis should not get Butthurt by the decision. International court has higher jurisdiction than national courts

India owns it's spies unlike Pakistan

It is yet to be proved that he is indeed a spy. India's version is that he was abducted from Iran by ISI.
Your Army can do everything It wants in Pakistan- The world and international relations work on certain principles and treaties- Pakistan being a signatory to such treaties is bound by It- If you break these bonds by bringing in new laws and amending constitution you risk isolation from the world and would be helpless when you need such treaties for your own defense-

There's that isolation again that India has been working on :lol:

He was caught in Pakistan, he had a fake passport and documentation and that too after our intelligence services are on the hunt for indian support for terrorists

He will be tried and punished as per our law!

He will be punished with consular access or without it but he will be punished

ICJ has not made any judgement on his guilt nor can it

If anything i believe he's fate is sealed as a behind the scene give and take deal now is more difficult

It is yet to be proved that he is indeed a spy. India's version is that he was abducted from Iran by ISI.

Our security services picked him up in Baluchistan with fake documentation
Kasab wasn't a military man serving in Armed Forces or on a mission - he was worded 'lone wolf'. Whereas Jhadhav WAS a military man, indulging in espionage. Hence WHY he was trialed under Military Court.
More like a "pack of wolves" since there were 10-12 of them. I know your claim is that he was a military man, involved in espionage. You might be right, you might not be right. The onus of proving your allegations is on your State. Commonwealth nations follow principle of "innocent until proven guilty."This is known as adversarial process. Countries like France follow principle of "guilty until proven innocent." This is known as inquisitorial process. I don't know what the system is in the ICJ.
So what's new. Every country in the world knows Pakistan keeps is legion of terror groups under the military leash with the military directing where and whom to attack. They are accorded protection from the military, the ronna dhona on the killing of Osama and the imprisoning of those that aided his killing within meters of Pakistan Army premier training grounds confirms that.
There is not a country in the world that is not aware of Pakistan army and its purposeful use terror for its own ends.
And the there is the Monkey which has rained on your parade
The snow white image now displays a sad curry shade complexion.
The Cow vigilantes and brutal killings and now the well documented fake encounters are all adding to your dream of the UNSC seat. The world has also become well aware of a so called democracy where minorities can't even enjoy their menu.
ICJ cannot open a Pandora box. There are courts all over the world who are giving sentences to criminals and terrorists - who also belong to other countries. How can they be a court above every other court on criminal matters?

Besides Pakistan is not blighted to accept ICJ's intervention in matters related to National Security. This point must be made very clear to the court that their decision are advisory and not compulsory - as under the legally accepted jurisdiction in Pakistan, they cannot hear cases related to National Security of Pakistan.

The case here is different. The point is Jadhav was denied consular access and also legal help and council to defend himself justly and properly. Moreover, the way and with secrecy the case was conducted through military courts raise lots of doubts.
Give the guy a rope and let him hang himself, we will return the body after he kills himseld due to suicide


Prisoners routinely kill themselves once they find out they were Indian
Give the guy a rope and let him hang himself, we will return the body after he kills himseld due to suicide


Prisoners routinely kill themselves once they find out they were Indian
That is fine - it would mean he died an innocent man.
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