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12 dead and 14 hurt in cross-border Afghan shelling in Chaman

Talk with Northern mean wasting time, they know only language of brutality SO better talk with the Lang they understand PERIOD.
WE not gonna revenge we just need to talk in their language A triple time response.
If American can go to destroy Iraq Afghanistan to protect their interests why we can't occupy few miles or just raised it?
Any Army rep here?

What happened to Afghan forces was bad but Afghan forces should not listen to India. Working on Indian agenda will only harm Afghan forces.
Its open territory , with no place to hide.
India maybe can send some anti tank guns to Afghanistan.
While at it, why not send a couple of trailer Tejas, who knows it might burn with saffron smoke.

What happened to Afghan forces was bad but Afghan forces should not listen to India. Working on Indian agenda will only harm Afghan forces.
Any words on their casualty figures.
Afghan forces are just puppet on strings, seems it's been a case of overkill,
Any words on their casualty figures.
Afghan forces are just puppet on strings, seems it's been a case of overkill,

37 Afghan soldiers were confirmed killed and 50+ were injured in the first strikes. I don't know about the later death among the injured. These were the casualties on the forward posts. The number of casualties on the depot to post route is unknown. I really feel sorry for so many Muslim brothers dead but Afghans left us with no options. They attack civilians sitting in their homes with heavy weapons. The explosions that shook the Afghan post were massive and a very quick response. I don't know what hit those post but it was not artillery and blasts were massive. After which Afghans immediately demanded ceasefire.

Latest: Pakistan is constructing 1000 post on Pak-Afghan border.
What happened to Afghan forces was bad but Afghan forces should not listen to India. Working on Indian agenda will only harm Afghan forces.
And when this bombardment took place? Same day or this passed night? If they claimed same day this this is bullshit as i shared a video after the end of fight 2 days ago
You were born impatient and shall remain so.
Exactly, i never believed in countering stupidity with patience and i shall never do so, i believe that illinformed people with low iq's should keep their holes shut....
And when this bombardment took place? Same day or this passed night? If they claimed same day this this is bullshit as i shared a video after the end of fight 2 days ago
Sir I told the check post being destroyed 15 mins after they were hit. Many of the member here asked the Mods to delete my post stating them crap. The strikes happened after Afghan refused to stop firing on Pakistani villages and after the strikes Afghan Gov immediately demanded ceasefire and admitted their mistake. Kabul realized their value after losing human life on Indian call.

Latest: Confirmed Afghan soldiers death toll is 50 Afghan soldiers lost their life.

any insight on why afghans are opening a new front ?
COAS went to LOC and said Pakistan will continue the support of Kashmir political struggle. Irani border guards were also killed by RAW and NDS and Country X proxies to destroy Pak-Iran relations.
We are keeping them... villages are being vaccated and heavy weapons are moving in...

Namak harams will go back ... one way or the other...

Their racial suoeriority delusions will shatter
Hey buddy stop even mentioning their racial superiority mumbo jumbo, when animals sit at night in their caves they counjer up a lot of things to satisfy themselves n mantain some kind of self respect, we pakistani's are and will always be racially superior to the these bacha baz drug infested dogs, i some times think we should order all of our universities to declare unanimously all of the afghan population as officially belonging to the animal kindgom n hence shall be treated as such, we pakistani's have established a muslim nuclear triad power here n are keeping at par with the modern world in various techs while these dogs dont even have a country n have to run to us for aid when some tom dick or harry invades them every decade.... let it be known to all here, we are racially superior than these afghan dogs in every human way possible..a race's superiority is determined by what it has achieved in terms of civilizaton n simoly these afghans are mileniums behind us...
IRANI foreign minister Zarif in Kabul after departing from Pakistan. Trying to put some sense in Ghani's head.

Afghan Gov admitted they don't have 50% of Area not under control stated by Ayaz sadiq.
Taliban making massive gains in a single day. Ghani is feeling the heat.
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